I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let's do the wave!!!

It standard practice in our house to wave good-bye to visitors as they leave. This has been what my family has done FOREVER. At my parent's house you stand at the kitchen window and wave good-bye. So we have been having the kids wave to people as they leave. Jean dropped off Alexis for me to watch her. I tell the kids to go to the window to wave. They know which window they have to go to. So they all hopped up on the hope chest and waited patiently for Jean to drive away. They may not always wave but 95% of the time they are at least looking out the window.
I got them on film this time...L to R - Zach, Liz, Alex, Alexis.
Love, Jen

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