I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Down at the farm...

We made a last minute trip across the state for the last day or so. We visited Great Grandpa Pluemer. We also got to see Great Aunt Nan, who lives out in California. It was nice to see them all as well as Nana and Papa. Prior to visiting Great Grandpa we went down to Papa's farm for the first, first time to a farm...we have yet to check out Grandpa's. Everyone enjoyed it but Alex was especially fond of it. Here are some pictures from the adventure.
Zach checking out all the things he can get into...
Alex showing us that hay sticks to gloves...
Liz throwing some hay over for the calves (even though they are all outside due to the kids being there)...
Alex doing his part to feed some hay...
Zach climbing higher...
Liz looking at the cow and calves outside...
1, 2, 3 everyone throw your hay...
Zach get even higher; the kid has no fear...
Future Farmers...
oh and Roxy too!
Thanks Papa for the fun time at the farm. They can't wait for warmer days; to be able to spend more time there.
Love, Jen

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A "normal" afternoon in the Lenzendorf house

I am not sure if "normal" actually exists in this house but I guess there is "our" normal. So here are a few pictures from our afternoon today.
Roxy is included quite often in the kids play...not always voluntarily. The kids, esp. Liz loves to cover things (dolls, stuff animals, etc.) with blankets and if no blankets are available then burp rags (aka nose rags) will do. Here Roxy got caught holding still for too long. She is a patient dog...plays along and walks away when done.
I swear some day this kid will play Honest Abe in a play. It just works. Although that sheepish grin may get him in trouble. (Yes, that is an OxyClean bucket)
Zach always has one of the play untensils in his hand. Here he is with the fork and a knife with the tea pot.
The boys working diligently on their Doodles.
Liz trying out for the Honest Abe role as well as thinking about joining the boys for a drawing session.
These kids keep me smiling. They do some of the darndest things and I am very lucky to get to see them.
Love, Jen

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Give me a....

Today the kids wore their new shirts from Drury's. I tried to get a group photo but the kids were not having that. So we did the best we could.
Give me an "A" for Alex who is sporting a couple purses and a baseball cap...
Give me a "L" for Liz who is going for the construction worker look, but don't forget she's a girl with her purse...
Give me a "Z" for Zach is is looking like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar...
These moments are precious, so precious!
Love, Jen

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Winter fun in the playyard

Although it was cold outside today, we took a few moments to enjoy the snowfall from yesterday. You just never know when it will be gone for good. Here are the pictures from the time outside.
Zach leading the way for everyone...who needs tracks to walk in!
Liz likes that her shovel stands by itself...less work for her to do!
Snowball for everyone....

Love, Jen

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day with Daddy

I had to work this morning so daddy was in charge of the gang. Jeremy took a few pictures while I was gone. I was shown some new games as well after I got home. They all had a great morning.
Apparently Alex was the first one to bring his rocker to the couch to work on his Magna Doodle. The other two then followed. Looks like daddy has three little students.
They are too cute!!!
Here is the classic Liz with here nose crinkled up picture...
Mr. Handsome aka Alex
Zach sat down on his own for some quiet time playing...not a sight seen often...quiet and Zach do not work well together.
Wrestling is not a new game but I was able to get a few pictures of the monkey pile on daddy.
One of the new games is help me up...so everyone grabs ahold of something on daddy and helps him up...
but it does not last long as the other part of the game is push/pull him down.
If Alex could be anymore like daddy...and he loves him dearly!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Jen's Daycare

Candid photos from the daycare for the last few days. Enjoy. Jen
Alex taking some quiet time to sit in his rocker and read a book. Must be a good one...he looks pretty into it.
Alex and Alexis sharing some "birthday cake" with each other. Sharing is nice to see.
Alex and Zach show they can share too (just not as often)...
The kids are very proud of their Elmo shirts from Nana and Grandma...
Grandma stopped in quick and taught the kids Ring Around the Rosey...they did pretty darn good as did grandma. Thank you grandma!
Even though daddy is at work there is still a horsey on call. Here the boys rode together since they could not wait for a separate turn. That is 50+ pounds...horsey tires very quickly...lol.
and dismount...they had a blast!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

One more present opening session...

With the kids birthday party, outing to Texas Roadhouse and a bath night, our presents to them took a backseat. So we finally opened them tonight. Although there were not many, the ones they did get were very special to them. They now each have there own Elmo stuff animal. They also got some Elmo books. They got a Melissa & Doug birthday cake which was a hit too. They also got an inchworm ride on toy. Zach fell in love right away, but did happen to get off of it long enough for his siblings to try it. Here are pictures from the night. One final Happy 2nd Birthday kids! We love you lots!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Crazy Kids...

These kids are crazy!! They turned two and...oh wait....they were like this before...lol! Last night we did baths, so after supper Jeremy stripped them down to diapers as I cleaned up supper. Let's just say they had a LOT of energy. They were running down the hallway to the guestbedroom door (which was shut) and all standing there with their hands behind their backs. Then just as we'd try to take a picture one would start to run towards us and the rest would follow. That is what is happening in the first few pictures. The last couple is they tehn began crawling everywhere. It is strange to watch them crawl now. We did eventually get upstairs to take baths, but before that they had us nearly in tears with laughing so hard. Enjoy!

Today was their 24 month check-up. They were lucky and got no shots. So here are the stats:
Alexander 26.4# and 36 1/2"
Elizabeth 24.4# and 35 3/4"
Zachary 25.8# and 36"
They all checked out healthy. The doctor was happy to hear that they are working on potty training and the successes we have had so far. She also gave us the great news that we can stop the whole milk (which is the most expensive milk) and can give them our milk. This means only one type of milk in our fridge. Since they are great eaters she has no concerns about stopping now. We actually do not have to go back until they are 3...which seems weird since we have gone in every three months since we brought them home. After I got the kids home they played a bit before napping. They got their rockers out that Papa made for them. I got a few shots even some action shots from Liz. She LOVES to rock!

Hope everyone is doing well this week.
Love, Jen