I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Expecting a new addition to our family!!!

Today we got to see our new addition to the family. She is so cute and took a spot in our hearts at first sight...I know your probably thinking...how could we not tell anyone we were expecting...well our newest member is a dog!!! So everyone pick your jaw up off the ground and get back in your chair. Even though another child would be great, we are not expecting to have anymore. There is always room in our hearts for another doxie!!! As you may know, when we were pregnant with the triplets we had 3 doxies. December before the kids' birth we had to put down our oldest girl due to kidney failure. Then in August after the kids were born we had to put our other little girl down for Cushings Disease. That left us with Baylee, our first dog we owned. He has had several health problems in the last few months and is just getting old - he is 13 yrs. We want the kids to grow up with a dog and are hoping that another dog may perk Baylee up. We are not replacing any of the dogs, just adding another to our family. So her name is "Red" but that will change (our first dog we will name - we have always kept their names), it is a temporary name the rescue came up with. She is approxiamately 2 yrs old, excellent with kids, other dogs, as well as cats, she is a smooth red. Well will have her home next week. We all enjoyed meeting her.
The other thing we did today was take the kids to their 15 month appointment, no shots just a check up. Every thing checked out good. It was different feeling visiting this time as everyone was able to walk around the room and play. They were all running around the room half-naked. They don't mind going to the doctor at all! So here are the lastest and greatest stats:
Alexander - 6 teeth; 21# (10th percentile); 32 1/2" (90th percentile)
Elizabeth - 7 teeth; 19.6# (10th percentile); 32" (95th percentile)
Zachary - 7 teeth; 21.6# (20th percentile); 32" (80th percentile)
I will keep the blog updated as to when we bring home our new little girl.
Love, Jen

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I knew it was a doxie! Cant wait to see pictures of her and the kids. Love, Aunt Elaine