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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Feeling a little "normal"

Yesterday we headed south to spend some time with Marcus and Renee and their kids. Marcus is Liz's godfather as well as one of Jeremy's (mine too) great friends as is Renee. They have been EXTREMELY helpful with the kids. We went to their place in Lyons. Renee made an excellent supper and the kids loved playing together, you would have never known there is an age difference. With having so much fun, we called to see if my parent's could pick up the dogs and watch them for the night so we could spend the night. The kids were excited! Luckily I had packed extra outfit for each in case of accidents as well as a pair of jammies for each for the ride home....one bag!!! Thanks to a load of laundry done by Renee, we were set to go. We did it!!! We made a last minute decision and did not have the whole house with us. It felt great to be just a little normal. We had a fabulous time!!! Thanks to Marcus, Renee, Brianna and Camden!!!
The kids taking over Brianna and Camden's swingset...
Our 2 little monkeys...
Liz running with Red...
What better thing for a godfather to teach, then how to kick a football...
The kids watching a movie before bed...
Renee looking thru Brianna's Little Pet Shop figures...
The kids' breakfast table...
Liz giving Marcus a hug and getting some advice prior to leaving...

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