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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cuddle Time

Unfortunately my day started a little rough today with a headache. Normally with more stress I end up with more migraines, so catching a regular headache in time is very important. The bad thing about that is I don't have much down time and normally it is during nap. If I had waited until naptime today it for sure would have turned into a migraine. Luckily when I told the kids mommy needed to rest they we all about helping me do just that. I laid down on the couch and covered up. Soon both dogs were on the couch sleeping and slowly the kids joined us. Thank goodness for timers on cameras and a little girl willing to help (that is how we got the group shot). I LOVE cuddle time!!!
Zach was the first to join me...
Alex was next to cuddle under the blanket and Liz was not far behind him...
Me and my cuddlers...L to R Roxy, Liz, Alex, Ollie, Me and Zach
Liz's took this picture...not to bad...I think I may have rubbed off on her...lol.

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