I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I hate wallpaper!!!

It has officially started...changing the upstairs guest bedroom into Liz's room. The first step was to empty it. Here are the pictures of the empty room.

On Saturday, early afternoon, I began the process of removing the wallpaper. All I have to say is I HATE wallpaper (no offense to anyone who likes wallpaper). I think the professionals that put the wallpaper up used gallons of glue! So here are some during pictures.

After thinking the light at the end of the tunnel had disappeared, it was shining bright this afternoon. With the help of detergent softner and water in a spray bottle, a little elbow grease from my sisters, my mom and I & some determination we finally got all the wallpaper off the walls...no it is not pretty now but in a few days it will look like a doll house room.

So the journey continues tomorrow (day 3) as the primer will go on and the painting will begin. Trying to get our little girl in her own room as SOON as possible!!!
Love, Jen

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