I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

A light at the end of the tunnel....

I just wanted to put an update on how the kids are doing. The end of the week was a lot better then the beginning. On Tuesday I fell ill. I came down with flu-like symptoms VERY quickly. At 11am I was fine, by Noon my tummy was flipping, then at 3 I had to call for help to care for the kids...thankfully my mom and dad were both able to come over. I ached incredibily bad as well as had a fever that gave me the chills and the sweats (changed from time to time). I became so lethargic I could barely keep my eyes open. The kids felt like they weighed 100 pounds. Within an hour of my parents being here Liz started projectile vomiting and Zach had explosive diarrhea - don't think my parents signed up for that. :) Liz was unable to keep anything down for the rest of the night. By Wednesday both we doing better as was I. Jeremy stayed home to help me out and we also had a snowstorm that dropped 17 inches of snow on us, so the roads were awful! Wednesday night the kids slept thru until Alex woke at 5:24am. I felt like I have gotten a great night's rest. Thursday we found out my dad was feeling poorly, just like I had. :( Thursday night Liz and I slept in the recliner as we thought she was having troubles with her ears, she was just screaming bloody murder. So back to the doctor we went on Friday....apparently her ears are just fine, so we think Liz was just being a diva. Alex had diarrhea and went through 2 outfits. So this morning (Saturday) Jeremy woke up sick and has been in bed all day. The kids are doing well, so we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel...finally! I will be working this week to disinfect the house to make it 'safe' for the kids' party on Saturday. We are VERY thankful that we all got the flu shot; we feel that had we not had them the kids would have been much worse and I would not bounced back as quick as I did. We now have to work on getting the kids back on schedule and a little less spoiled (they were very clingy and were held & rocked to sleep many times). Breaking them of some of those habits is going to be tough.
We are looking forward to their birthday a week from today. I can't wait to watch them with the cakes....check back for pictures.
Love, Jen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this week is a much better! What a winter this has been. Love Aunt Elaine