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Friday, March 14, 2008

Yes, our kids DO eat dirt!!!

This will make you laugh.
So let me set the scene...it is Thursday afternoon...both boys were up from their very short nap....they were playing in the play area...I was sitting on the couch watching them...I decided to gate off the dining room to give them more area to play.
Due to sleeping issues, I have not been getting great sleep. My eyes became so heavy while watching the boys. So I decided to lay down. Within seconds of laying down my eyes slammed shut. I was only asleep for 5 minutes when I was awaken by something. I sat straight up and began searching the room for the boys. I found Alex standing next to a plant that had been guarded by the fence. Alex had a face full of dirt as well as a mouth full. I jumped up from the couch and immediately started looking for Zach. Although he was not by the plant he had a face full of dirt. In a panic, I grabbed Alex and rushed to the bathroom to wash out his mouth and wash off his face. I then grabbed Zach and did the same. It was only after I put Zach down that I realized I should have grabbed the camera first. So even though I do not have the pictures to prove it...our kids do eat dirt.
Lesson learned...before you close your eyes make sure kids are gated in play area!
Hope you got a good laugh from this, I know I did.
Love, Jen

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