This post has some various pictures taken within the last few days. I thought I would share them. This first one is Zach lounging on the back of the couch. While Jeremy was gone Zach pushed the boundaries, this is one of the many boundaries pushed, but caught on film.

This picture is of the three reading. Normally Alex and Liz sit together but this time Zach wanted to join. As you can see from Liz's face she is not to pleased with the situation.

On Wednesday I took some time to myself and left the kids with the big kid aka daddy. The kids decided to do a monkey pile and daddy got it on film. Those crazy kids!

I worked Friday afternoon, so we had time to spend as a family. As many of you know it is "Black Friday" and although we did not get out and hit the stores...Alex was prepared. I guess if you have a lot of purses it must mean you have more to spend...NOT! Yes that is 4 purses around his neck.

Later that morning the kids attacked daddy and did a monkey pile on him. I think they are pretty happy he is home!

Daddy was also brave enough to eat his bowl of cereal in the play area. That ended up with him having to!
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