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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cereal and Soup

After hearing how well Alexis did with eating cereal I decided to try it for myself. So on Friday morning we did away with our "normal" breakfast for a bowl of cereal. Let me just preface the results with saying that we taught the kids to use a fork first and rarely give them spoons - just something we did, right or wrong who knows. Honestly I was anticipating a mess, but proceeded to try anyways. Well like everything else these kids have done well, they followed suit with this task. They were not that messy and used a utensil more at this breakfast than at most (breakfast us usually a finger friendly meal and when you are hungry, you are HUNGRY...forget the darn fork). I had to refill the bowls a couple times...I found it hard to judge how much to give to equal what they normally get (did not want anyone to go hungry). No bowls got tipped over, in fact Zach handed me his bowl as carefully as he hands me his plate when he is "all done". So a very successful attempt...and yet another thing to add to our menu.
So on our dinner menu Sundays are leftover night. With there being only a few leftovers and it being cold outside I thought soup and grill cheese sounded great but what to feed the kids. They have tried my soup with me feeding them it but not their own. After doing so well at the cereal I thought I would push them a little. Jeremy asked if I was sure I wanted to try this on a non-bath night. Why not I said...worst thing I have to give them a bath. I made their grill cheeses and heated up the soup (and it was not chicken in stars but Chunky Soup, why not...right). We gave them each a bowl AND a plate...talk about throwin' them a curve ball. They never cease to amaze me...not only did they leave the bowls and plates where we put them but they ate like champs...even dipping their sandwich piece in the soup. Results...no bath needed (what was he so worried about??? Ok he did not see the cereal event so he was worried, I'll give him that...lol).
Here are the pictures from the cereal challenge. I did not take pictures of the soup.

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