A few days late but here it is...the kids are now 21 months old. Getting closer and closer to being 2 years old. Not sure if I am ready for them to be that old yet! ;) We go in for a 21 month check up this Friday so I will have all their stats to share then. What I can tell you is that they are non stop chatter most days. It is a must watch what you say as they will repeat what you say or do. They are always testing the boundaries. They continue to explore everything...they are so curious about everything. The interaction between them is getting more and more playful and imaginative. A new thing that they are doing is able to eat a sandwich not cut up into little squares (this makes PB&Js a lot cleaner...lol). They continue to do great with cereal. They are all in love with Elmo! They love to sit and read to each other or us or to themselves. We have stopped using the monitor during the night. I think it was just a matter of weaning myself off of it, of course the kids do not notice anything different. We still use it when they are napping, but that is because they are upstairs and I am downstairs. The only other thing I can think of that has happened since the last post is I gave the boys their second haircuts today. They did well again. I cut it shorter this time so I can actually put gel into it and spike it. Don't worry when I do that I will post the pics as they will be to cute not to share!
The pictures attached were taken on Sunday. It started with just Alex and Liz sharing the laundry basket and then Zach wanted to join. You can see how excited Liz is about that. But in the end they did not mind sharing the same space for a little bit.
Love, Jen
PS I will be putting a picture post on as it seems I have some great pictures but never posted them here.

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