So you may ask why am I bringing this up now. Well it is the wonderful time of year that the men (and women) dress in bright orange and arm themselves with guns and go hunting. I have been a hunting widow since Friday morning.
I did not anticipate this time alone to be terribly difficult but I was thrown a curve ball. I normally get cleaning done and various other things. This year was so much more challenging then last year. Last year the kids were 9 months old - just crawling, still drinking bottles and on a 3 naps a day schedule. Who knew I would look back and think that was! The kids were more aware this year that daddy was missing and it threw them off. Naps and nighttimes became nightmares! Attitudes in general were just off. I did some things without planning them completely. My things I wanted to get done, did not get done.
We went to my parent's place Saturday for supper. It was nice not having to cook and to have another set of eyes to watch them. The only bad thing I did not take into consideration trying to get three exhausted kids who are already in PJs into the house and to bed without MAJOR meltdowns. Thankfully Jean followed me home to help...disaster averted!
Actually this post could be title "Thank heavens for sisters". Jean was my saving grace these past 4 days. Not only did she help out after my parent's on Saturday but her and Alexis joined me for supper on Friday and we had the kids all bathed together, so I had a helping hand with that task. They also joined us for supper Sunday, Monday and tonight AND she made the supper! Last night was bath night again and all 4 bathed together. I cannot thank her enough for helping me out with not only meals and baths but discipline for the kids. We both agree on how to discipline so it works out nicely. So Jean if you are reading this...THANK YOU!!! I cannot express how much I appreciate all you did!
So for all the single triplet moms and triplet mommies that have husband that travel a lot...I give you props! You rock!
Jeremy is now home. The kids were happy to see him. They will spend tomorrow together while I get out and relax a bit. Not only did his trip include some quality time with his parents but 2 deer which will help feed our growing kids.
Love, Jen
Alex reading to Zach...they are in LOVE with books right now!!!

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