September started out not so great for the kids as they caught a cold. Unfortunately that messed up plans to take a trip to see Nana, Papa, Great Grandma Lenzendorf and Great Grandpa Pluemer. It was a simple cold and they did get over it and we healthy for about 4 days and caught another cold. Again lots of sneezing and snot everywhere. Through both colds the kids had okay moods. Their sleeping was not too messed up due to it being hard to breath. We are getting over this last cold and hope to be fully healthy in a few days.
The second weekend of September was my second rummage of this year. We had a great turnout Friday and got rained out on Saturday although a few sales were made. The majority of the money made is going into the kids college accounts and some will be used to get their first potty chairs. Yes that is right....potty chairs. We have a very aggressive goal of trained by 2 but understand completely that it is not the norm.
The kids are now 19 months old. They are showing more and more signs of being toddlers. They are talking more and more everyday. They are thinning out as well with all their running around. They are doing a great job of sharing and following direction. Of course we are very proud of them.
So here are some pictures from the beginning of September. Enjoy.
Love, Jen
Here is Alex playing with our grocery bags...
You may not be able to tell but here is Liz with a grocery bag on her head..
The kids just chillin...

Alex sitting in the doll chair...

Liz sitting in the doll chair...

Zach playing with Frank...

Alex trying to iron...

Zach on the other hand prefers to beat the ironing board with the screwdriver...

Liz trying on Auntie Jean's shoe...

Alex using Zach as a pillow...

Quick picture of the kids on the rocker...they no longer fit in the chair nicely and they don't sit still long enough...

Kids sporting their Harley outfits...

Kids lounging again...really they do not sit this still all the time :)

Roxy giving Liz kisses...

Roxy trying to sit with Zach...

Tired daddy and doggy...

Liz hiding under sheet...

Liz rocking before bed...

Zach rocking before bed...
1 comment:
As always, CUTE pictures!
The Wondras
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