August ended great for us. I think I have mentioned this before but did not have the pictures. We had an adult day and went on a beautiful bike ride on the 29th in celebration of Harley Davidson's 105th birthday. The weather was perfect - not too warm and not too cool, sun for the whole day. At some points it felt as if we were int he movie regardng some of the scenery. Thanks to my mom and my sister for watching the troops for the day. We were one of 28 bikes in the ride and 2 out of about 50 people. Biggest ride we have ever been a part of so far. Thanks to my Uncle Kevin for setting the whole thing up; it was great! There has been some talk of another ride in the next couple weeks to see the fall color changes. We are looking forward to it! Here are some pictures from the day.
Here is everyone meeting at Uncle Kevin's house...

Our first stop in Elkhart Lake for lunch...

Picture on the go...traveling up a slight hill... many bikes in front of us...and there were more behind us...

and around a corner...

At our second stop...we lined the street...

I know not everyone is a bike enthusiasts, but wanted to share our day.
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