This last weekend was a busy one. Due to not making it across the state the first weekend, we made plans to go this weekend. After finding someone to take my hours at work, it was all systems go. Jeremy worked extra hours during the week so he could have a half day on Friday. After packing up everything we need to function we headed over to my parent's place first. My mom had Great Grandma Kedinger out from the nursing home for a few hours. The kids have not seen her since November last year(way too long ago). And they have changed SO much! So we stopped for a short time there and then headed out to venture across the state. Although we were running late we made it in time for dinner with Nana, Papa, Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Brent and their three cousins Mackenzie, Morgan and Madalyn. Saturday was filled with seeing the kids' other 2 great granparents. The kids were fascinated with Nana's magnets on the fridge, so that was the "hot" toy for the weekend. Although the kids had some sleeping issues, a good time was had by all. Here are some of the pictures from the weekend.
Love, Jen
The kids were all sitting nicely until the camera came out...then they scattered...go figure!

Liz tried on many I smell a shoe fetish?!?!?

Here are 4 generations of Lenzendorfs...

And 4 generations of Pluemers...

The kids looking out the window watching the fish in Nana's pond...

Zach playing with Papa...he climbed up there himself...

They were EXHAUSTED byt he time we hit the road home...Shrek had to help hold Zach's head up...

Alex was in the middle of reading...

and Liz gave up on drinking from her sippy cup...

But after we woke up...we were hungry...I guess mommy did not get the snack out fast enough...both Liz and Zach resorted to eating their toes :)

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