I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

So it only has been a week since my last post but it feels like a lot longer. I will post pictures when I can. We are having issues with the laptop that has all my pictures, so number one priority is to save ALL my pictures. So here is a quick update on the happenings around here.
Most important thing that has taken all of my free time & non-free time has been Liz's room. I eat, sleep and breath getting that room done. It has only been 10 days since I started the project, so I am feeling good about finishing in less than 2 weeks (which I think is pretty good considering I am still taking care of three kids). Right now we have paint on the walls, ceiling and woodwork...all to be finished off today. Then comes the easy part some spray painting of shelves, decorating, hanging blinds and curtains (Jeremy's only job for the project), dying some material and moving her in. I am hoping to finish before Saturday as we will be out of town for the weekend. I am looking forward to unveiling the room to all of you!
This weekend was a busy one for us. On Friday we helped Harley Davidson celebrate their 105th birthday by going on an all day bike ride. We were 1 of 28 bikes in the ride. It was perfect weather....not too warm but not cold...just right! We did not travel too far about 170 miles...north to Elkhart Lake then south to Boltonville then south to Cedarburg then south to Milwaukee and back home. We made stops at each place and ate dinner in Milwaukee. After getting home and seeing the kids off to bed we headed downtown West Bend for the street party they were having. Auntie Jean, Alexis and Grandma watched the kids during the day with Grandpa stopping in for dinner and to help watch them while we went to the street party. It was the MOST relaxing day I (probably we) had in a LONG time. At some points it felt like we were in one of those movies going on windy roads under the tree canopy with all the bikes...ah it was great!
On Saturday Jeremy brewed some Mead with some of his friends and I hung out with their wives. Friends we had not seen in awhile. I had a great time with the ladies and the kids had a blast hanging out with the other kids.
Sunday was my dad's birthday so after working on the room uninterrupted as Jeremy watched the kids, we went over to my parent's for supper. The kids had a great time hanging out with Alexis.
Our Labor Day was like any other day, really. Jeremy worked on some outdoor chores and I took care of the kids and work on the room during naps. So nothing too exciting.
So that is all that is happening around here...once the room project is complete I then move onto pricing clothes for my rummage in two weeks. I am hoping to get pictures up soon so check back often.
Love, Jen

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