Ok, so here are the details. As some of you know, I have a pond garden. So we winter the fish in the basement in a huge cow water trough. Everyday I go down to feed them and check on them. The other day I went down to see them and realized one of the fish had a bacterial infection. Today when I went down, I noticed that more fish had started to be infected. So I immediately started cleaning the filters (a time consuming task)...thankfully the kids were playing nicely. I stopped to serve lunch to my little angels. After lunch, back to play for them and back to finishing the filters. I went down to basement for the last time, was down there approximately 5 minutes. I did hear something fall but no crying and when you are in the basement you can hear all movements. So I finished what I was doing and headed back upstairs. I came up to COMPLETE silence...not what you want to hear. So I peeked into the dining room where I left the kids. I found my three little angels sitting in a circle examining something. As I got closer I realized they were examing a leaf from my plant (which is the bump I heard - the plant and plant stand hitting the wall after they ripped the leaf off). Thankfully the plant did not fall over. So back to the kids aka the angels....Alex and Liz were in deep thought about the leaf and Zach...well he was eating it. Yes, that is right, eating it...he must get that from his Auntie Jean as she ate plant leaves as a kid. So I fly over the baby gate, practically break my toe, to fish the plant out of Zach's mouth. Well Zachary is not one to sit still if you are catching him doing something wrong, so he made an attempt to flee the scene. After a very short chase, all plant material was removed. Everyday he pushes the envelope. Life is never dull here!!!
Love Jen
Here are the angels...picture was taken in the morning before any misbehaving...

No they don't look like they would ever do anything wrong...right?!?!?!
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