So you ask how did today go? Well wonderful....Jeremy surprised me by taking a day of vacation so I could get some time off...that is itself was the best gift! But it gets better...him and the kids got me a few things for my pond garden. Nope does not end there....he took me out to dinner AND surprised me with a Dairy Queen ice cream cake! Although nothing compares to holding your child for the first time, but ice cream cake is darn close! :) He did good....VERY good!
So you ask what did I do with my time off? Well I went to the DMV to renew my driver's license, then headed across the street to Wally World to pick up some socks for the kids and some cabinet safety locks for the kitchen cabinets (kids are loving the cabinets). I then headed to Shopko to return a coffee pot that does not work with our maker (because I broke our pot yesterday..I am so clutsy) and pick up some more sippy cups. I then headed to the hairdresser (more to come on this). After I got done there I stopped at the resale shop (they are having a huge sale!). Then once again headed back to Wally World to find a coffee maker since Shopko had nothing to my liking. Then I headed back home and relaxed for the rest of the day.
So back to the hairdressers. As some of you may know, it has been a LONG time since I had my hair cut. In fact, I was 4 months pregnant the last time I got it cut. That is almost a year and 1/2 ago. Also most of you know my main hair-do is pulling it up in a scrunchy...most nights I let it down and it is still wet from my morning shower. So a few weeks ago I decided to get my hair measured to see if there was enough to donate to Locks for Love. Well sure enough there was, so I did some deep thinking. Well I did it...I chopped off my hair....10 inches!!! Yes it is shorter than I expected (does not even touch my shoulders) but it is going to something so important. I am getting use to it as is Jeremy and the kids. Here is a picture we took quick tonight, it is not the best but you get the idea.

BTW, I am planning on putting February pictures on within the next few days, so check back. Love, Jen
Your hair is fabulous and I think that you are a wonderful person!! You and Jeremy have endured so much in the past year, it reminds me a lot of what we went through and everytime your children hit a milestone i cry!! What a blessing!! I hope your birthday brings you many more blessings this year!
Love ya,
Denise and Family
I love your hair! What did the kids think? And a very Happy Birthday...sorry it is belated. Sounds like a good Birthday to me!Love Aunt Elaine
Happy Belated Birthday to you and the kids. They're doing great. I love looking at all your postings, you do a great job. I don't know where you find the time. As you've notice I'm usually a few months behind on ours. I love your new do too :) Can't wait to see you guys.
Hey Lady-
You ROCK- Even on YOUR day you're doing things for everyone else!! Yes, that's the Jen I know & LOVE!! It feels good though! So when is the big b'day bash for you and the kids? I guess we need to wait for warmer weather & less snow!! Keep up the good work- You're going to enjoy your 30's SOOOO much!!
Love, Teri S
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