Happy Easter to everyone. We traveled across the state to celebrate Easter with Jeremy's family. We left on Friday, late and in a snow storm. It took us 45 minutes longer than normal to arrive at Nana and Papa's. This was the first time the kids got to try out their new 'big kid' carseats. Yet another sign that we no longer have babies but toddlers. As you can see from the picture below, they like the new accommodations.

The kids loved being able to see us. Thankfully we had toys and their juice to keep them happy during the extra long trip. They were able to take a nap, which also helped to keep them happy. The following pictures are during the ride. 1st is Alex, 2nd is Zach and 3rd is Liz playing her new favorite game "Where's Liz?"

When we arrived at Nana and Papa's the kids' cousins (Mackenzie, Morgan & Madalyn) were there. So we took the opportunity to take another cousins picture. Smile were not in abundance from the kids....but they can't be smiley all the time.

On Saturday we celebrated Easter. The kids we all dressed up. We took a quick picture but it was hard to get their attention with so many people around.

So you are about to travel back in time. The first holiday the kids celebrated was Easter. Last year Easter fell on April 8th. Here are some pictures took on Easter last year and then some I took today. The boys are in the opposite position from last year but you can still see the difference. Oh, how far we have come!!!
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