Yep it is true....Alex is walking. For the past week he has been doing a couple steps then falling. Well he has actually started walking in the last day. He will walk a couple steps get his balance and take another few steps. He is a very cautious walker unlike his brother, who is a holy terror! With plenty of practice he will soon be running with Zach. As far as how Zach is doing on walking or should I say running... he is non-stop...he prefers to walk rather then crawl. He is fast too. He has been walking with both arms raised in the air like a true Godzilla (that is our current nickname for him because he will walk behind the other two crawling and it looks like Godzilla). And little Miss Liz....well she is fine with walking along furniture or if she is holding on to our hands, but no signs of letting go just yet. When she walks behind the walker she does good except for being extremely stiff, she does not bend her knees. So we will continue to watch this and hope she grows out of it. So if you come to our house there are most likely some gates to step over. :) With each new development, there is new challenges.....but we are loving it!!!
Love, Jen
Remember this is Zachary's hand on top of mine....oh so little. This was taken last year on April 2nd.

Today, almost a year later, I had an opportunity to take another picture with Zachary and his hand on mine....can you believe the difference?!?!? They warned us that we will forget how small they were...and it is true. Even though we will never forget our NICU experience, it is getting more and more difficult to remember the little things that were part of our lives then. I am glad I am a photo-holic and kept some of their preemie clothes that were too big on them.

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