I have been wanting to post for a few days but have not gotten the time to do so. It seems like days are just flying by or at least I am not getting anything done. The amount I try to do during nap time is always more than what the kids actually nap for. So I start this during naptime and hope to finish before they wake.
So what is new??? It seems like everyday there is something these kids are doing to make us laugh and/or challenge the rules. Most recently has been the escaping of the play area. Gates AND doors are no longer a challenge. Thanks to Zachary learning to open the doors and scale the gates we have had to come up with a new plan of attack. Now I would be more than happy to give them the entire first floor to roam, BUT I am running out of areas to put the things I use daily aka the things the kids LOVE to play with, so we are keeping them in the playarea. We have taken the one gate that Zach was scaling down and put the protective door knob things on the guest bedroom, bathroom, door to the stairs and the door to the dining room. I did have to empty one cabinet in order to give them that hallway space. As of right now the gate in the kitchen has not become an issue although it has been scale a few times and they are getting more and more clever as to how to get over.
That is not the only challenge facing us recently. With the weather getting warmer spring fever has set in...and bad! They have had a few great days outside and want more, unfortunately the weather is not cooperating. You may ask how can I tell they have spring fever...well apparently they have lost all their hearing and/or have changed the language they understand and I am still speaking English...they like to laugh a lot usually when getting disciplined...they mimic very well too...they are bored...etc, etc, etc. Today I got a great example of how to tell they are bored. Normally they will play with a few toys and the mess evolves at a slower pace. When they are bored toys are "tossed" and they move on to the next and the play area is destroyed in a matter of minutes (sometimes seconds). Here is only part of the mess they created this morning. I like to title it "Where's Roxy?". Not only are all four kids in the picture, but Sadie (Jean's dog) and Roxy. Can you find Roxy??? The bad news is they are calling for 6 to 8 inches of snow this weekend...I can only hope that the forecast is very wrong!!!

Last week the kids dumped the wooden block (this is done all the time) and as usual I asked if we could at least play with them for a little bit. They al happily sat down to play but we needed to be separated with the same amount of blocks for each.
Four kids and four different ways to play with their blocks. Although it did nto last a long time, they did sit for a decent amount of time.

As from past posts, you may remember that Alex is very attached to his daddy. Recently Alex has been using daddy as a lounger. He Alex is getting a last drink before bed sitting on his new favorite "chair"...

On Saturday I has to work so daddy was in charge. They had a great morning and the day turned out to be very sunny and nice. Once the kids woke from their naps we decided to head outside. Alex had to wait for the other to wake but found that Roxy is great to play with. First Roxy used him as a pillow as he happen to be sitting in a great spot of sunlight as you can see in this picture...

Alex what are you doing???

Apparently Roxy makes a good stove top for making fake cookies...whole new meaning to 'hot dog'...lol! She is such a great dog!

We were hoping to start doing yard cleanup while we were out that day, unfortunately the kids had other plans. First we had a snack. We don't have their table and chairs out just yet so we improvised with a ride-on toy...makes great chair!

Once the kids saw our rakes there was no getting them back. I tried to have them help me rake, but in the end it is just easier to watch them play and read a little (a book I have been trying to read for a year). Here are the kids hard at work...

The boys are the rakers...

Liz is the leave gatherer. She worked on throwing the leaves aroun first and then started putting them in the wheelbarrow.

Here Alex is asking Zach if he has seen Liz recently...

Oh, there she is taking a break...can anyone else see what the future holds with this?!?!?
Liz also found great fun out of pulling the dried grass and putting it on Roxy...have a mention what a great and patient dog she is?!?!?
Auntie Jackie stayed with us for a night early this week. One of her kitties needed some surgery done at the clinic I work for so we invited her to stay with us and spend time with the kiddos. I think Zach (as well as the other two) were very happy to have her here.
On Tuesday we had a full house in the morning. Not only was Jackie here but Jean and Lexi came to play. Grandma also stopped by...not only getting to see her grandkids but Jackie too. While chit chatting I decided to try putting Liz's hair into piggy tails....it worked! She has enough hair finally!!! Isn't she cute?!?!

That morning we had a little bit of a fashion show. Thanks to Auntie Jean bringing some clothes for Auntie Jackie, they kids got to help. Here is Alex using the big pouty lips with a serious look...

Zach is very serious in this jacket...

Lexi went with the unconventional way to wear a shirt...

Lix found this shirt as a great fit for a dress...

And like other fashion shows there are mishaps that happen...such as Liz getting stuck in a shirt...she is not happy...

There is always time to stop a show to catch a glimpse of Sesame Street...

or to follow Auntie Jackie around...

Yesterday I had the tent in the hallway. The kids were not interested at first but later found a new way to play with it. Turn it on it's side, climb in and get your hair as full of static...

Yesterday I also found the solution to a small problem that had presented itself a few days ago. I decided to put all the crayon into one container. When we colored the kids were more pre-occupied with getting as many crayons as they could on their paper than actually coloring the picture. So I decided to pull a few crayons and put them in paper cups and everyone got their own cup...worked like a charm! They were so proud of their cups.

Well that is all for now. As you may have guess I did not make the end of nap deadline...in fact it is almost 11pm. I guess I am just happy I got it done yet today. I hope everyone has a great weekend. We will be trying to enjoy the snow.
Love, Jen
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