As some of you may remember from a previous posts, I had a goal to take the kids out by myself. I wanted to accomplish it earlier rather than later. Well today the stars and the moon aligned and I attempted to accomplish my goal. We needed a few items from the store, one of which was milk (we were completely out). So in order to feed the kids lunch I needed it, so I had the choice to take them out before Lexi got here or to have mom come watch them while I ran later in the day. I thought since mom has enough to worry about with my dad recovering that I would take the plunge. The store that had the items on sale was one of the quieter stores in town. So after breakfast the shoes went on as did the jackets, hats and mittens. Here is the happy crew on the way out the door. Oh and how is mom doing...majorly nervous. Nervous like your first date/kiss or nervous like getting ready for a job interview. There was a fear that has kept me from doing this...every scenario was running thru my head. I cannot remember the last time I was this nervous. They are not nervous at all...they are going for a ride, so it is all good!

The first scary thing to conquer...get out of the truck and across the parking lot. The kids are learning to hold hands but I feel safer holding them. As you may know I only have two hands, so with Liz on one side and the boys sharing a hand on the other we started our journey. Liz is usually the one that trips a lot due to not paying attention...this time it was Alex...THREE times! Luckily the parking lot was quiet. We made it in all in one piece. Now the last time I took them grocery shopping they were smaller. Here they are prior to getting into the actual store...good thing I only had milk, bananas and grapes to get. Here it the full cart...of kids!

We stopped at the bank first (the one I use to manage)....they did great. Then onto the grapes, which I gave to Liz to hold. They like being helpers. Then to the bananas...a bunch for each boy. Then to the milk aisle...luckily the 5 gallons fit under the cart as I am not sure where else I would have put them. Then to the checkouts. Of course the cashier was talking, so I started unloading...milk, grapes, bananas. This is the point where Alex starts screaming cuz I took his bananas. Let me tell you how quick the cashier got back! She quickly checked them and put Alex's bunch in a bag for him...quiet restored. They got some Easter coloring contest to color and bring back and oh yea, mommy got herself some chocolate....hey I deserve it. It was that or a drink, but it was only! Anyways, so exit the store no problems. Hat and mitten check before existing...check. Going out to the truck much easier as they were all in the So I start putting the kids in the truck. Normally they get put up and they walk to their seat and get in it....but not this time...oh no...Zach goes completely limp...apparently he does not want to leave the store. So Liz goes next I put her directly on the seats to crawl across while Zach is blocking the walk way....she lays there, doing NOTHING. Then there is Alex...I should have mentioned that I put the groceries in the front seat before the kids got in...including his bananas (bad idea). So he gets in and is trying to find his bananas. Here is what it looked like...that is Alex butt and legs, Zach trying desparately to get out of the truck and Liz laying doing nothing...

We eventually all got strapped in and headed home. Zach touched Alex's bananas which caused some crying as well as when he dropped them. But other than that it was uneventful ride home. I will not go into the tantrum that was thrown once we got home and the bananas needed to be put away.
The trip was a success. By the time I got home I was filled with adrenaline. I had feared for so long taking them by myself and I finally accomplished it. Some may not understand why this is so big to me, but it is HUGE! My amount of freedom has increased. No, it was not a perfect outing but no outing will ever be perfect. It was good. I have learned some things and that is what really counts. So I will pat myself on the back...way to go me!!!
Hope you may have gotten a laugh or two out of this story and yes I am a photo addict...that camera goes almost everywhere with me.
Love, Jen
Jen,I never had a doubt you could do this. The kids follow your lead and you have trained them well. You handle their outbursts and tears every day and they recover wonderfully. So congrats on your adventure and here's to many more with your little blessings. You now have more mobility than you thought and the nice weather is just around the corner. Love, Mom
Shopping with 3 toddlers would be an adventure. I've struggled many times with the fact that shopping carts are NOT meant for 2 small children, much less 3! I imagine your feat will become easier as we don't have to deal with jackets much longer.
Congratulations, super-mom!
Kris :)
VERY GOOD- Well done- you said that no outing will be perfect- I disagree! You are terrific & the outings are going to just get better & BETTER!!! GOOD JOB SAHSM!! Love, Teri S
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