...it seems like it has been longer with all the things that have been happening. Nothing major but the little things add up. Instead of making separate posts to keep things dated and organized (more for me than any of the blog readers), I decided to do one large post with the pictures, stories and when the happened.
Bonding in a bucketWe start out where I left off at the last post...Saturday March 28th. I cannot remember where I went, errands or who knows maybe just in the shower at the time...see this is why I have to blog about everything...my memory has gone buh-bye...anyways, Jeremy was in charge. He snapped some great shots of the kids. He said first the boys hopped in the bucket and were sitting so nice and sharing...

He said then Liz walked over and he was thinking he'd get a good shot of all three of them and then she did it...put her hands on top of the boys heads...you can't plan that stuff.
Laundry LaughsSunday morning I was cleaning up after breakfast and Jeremy was helping me out by folding a load of laundry. He was in the kids' playarea which makes folding laundry...well challenging is a good word. When I finished with the kitchen I came in to help distract the kids. This is what I went into...yes that is Zach wearing the laundry...specifically daddy's underwear...around his neck...not shocking, right!

Zach is thinking I got them on easy, how the heck do I get them off...

Liz must have thought it was pretty fun, so she joined in...not a girlie girl at all...kinda hard with two brothers!

She also ran into the same trouble of getting them off...
While mommy's away...grandma will play!I took some extra hours on Monday to help out at the clinic as they were a little short staffed. That means that Grandma had to watch the kids and Lexi too. I only worked the morning, so I was home just as they were finishing up lunch and getting ready for naps. After they were all down mom gave me the run down of what happened and showed me the pictures she had taken (she knows that the camera is to be used when needed...lol). From the many pictures she had taken, it looked like all had a great morning of playing. One thing that I decided to share was Alex and him so carefully carrying the tea tray w/ accessories. Here he is dressed up in mommy's old scrub top from work. Too sweet!

She also got a great picture of the four of them holding still for just a moment...too bad Alex is not looking up...are they precious or what. Moments like this make the bad moment melt away.

And then you have them return to the crazy two years old that they are...wrestling in the rocker with stuff animals (like 4 kids was not enough). LOL!
New fashion???Tuesday was nothing special but I got this picture I had to share. Liz is all about breaking every rule about fashion. Here she is trying to start a new fashion trend...wearing cups for shoes. Keeps the toes warm but the heel is left dragging....needs a little work but great thinking!
Ponytail & dress-up So we tried piggy tails the other day, on Wednesday morning as Liz was eating her cereal I tried a ponytail. It was hard to see in all the pictures I took because it is a smaller "tail" but you gotta start somewhere, right. This is the best one them all. It was not in long, but it did cause Lexi to want piggy tails put in. She says "tails, tails, tails" it is just too cute.

Another thing that is growing in popularity is dress-up. I have given the kids all my old scrub jackets from work. They LOVE them. Here I tried to get a nice group picture...hard to get them to stand still long enough for everyone to look up.
Wally World & BirdiesThursday morning Jean and I planned a morning of shopping...with all the kids. We asked grandma to come along as an extra set of hands and cart. We went to Walmart and got the groceries for the month. They were extra patient and actually did not want to leave. Grandma got to witness the same type tantrum that happened when I took them out by myself for the first time. We then went to Hobby Lobby, brave place to go with 4 two year olds. We ended up coming out with 3 stuffed Easter ducks and one chicken. Then we HAD to go home, we had pushed enough.
So after a very short nap, I booted the kids outside for a little bit. I came in to get dinner defrosting. The kids were doing fine so I did not rush. The last time I checked on them Zach and Liz had their mittens off but it was not terribly cold so I did not rush out. When I did get out there Liz was saying "quack, quack, quack"...I assumed it was due to the stuffed ducks we had gotten earlier. As I unlocked and opened the gate, I looked up at Liz..she was standing by the tree holding what looked like a piece of bark...all the while saying "quack, quack, quack". I get inside the playyard and looked up at her again and realize what she is holding is a dead bird! I ran over to her and quickly removed it from the bear hug she was giving it. That ticked her off! I then got rid of the bird in which Liz screamed the while time "my birdie, my birdie, my birdie". I tried to explain that it was dead and that it cannot be played with...talking about breaking her heart. I brought her into the house and washed her hands thoroughly. It took her some time to get over the loss of her first pet. I told the story to Jean who insisted it be put on the blog as it was too funny not too. Then she of course asked if I got pictures. I did not have my camera on me as it was time to come in AND I did not expect to find her holding a dead bird. It was funny, I can't wait to see what dead animals the boys will find.
Styling Shades
On our trip to Walmart yesterday we found some cheap play sunglasses(a 4-pack). The kids are loving them. So this morning they insisted that I try on a pair. Then everyone wanted up by me, so we took a group picture...cool group, eh?

Elizabeth showing off...

Too cool Alexander...

Relaxing Zachary...

As I made supper, I turned around to see this...Liz trying all the glasses on...

After dinner tonight the kids were a bit riled up. Zach and Alex were trying to hug each other and ended up falling over and began wrestling...Liz saw what was happening and jumped on top. Jeremy ran as fast as he could without injurying himself on toys to get the camera. Monkey pile!!!
First Easter Egg Hunt This Saturday the 4th was a couple local Easter Egg Hunts. We decided to attend an inside one. It was an early one but luckily the kids were up early. We grabbed there baskets and headed out.

Loaded and ready to go. We kept telling them they were going on an egg hunt, so they kept saying "egg, egg".

We met Uncle Willie, Auntie Jean and Lexi. Grandma came along to take on of the kids, so they could all enjoy it. Group picture...really they are excited...doesn't look like it from this picture. There were A LOT of people and strangers (to them anyways) coming up and talking to me. It was in the grocery store that has the bank branch I use to manage in it. This is also the same store I took them to by myself for the first time.

Here grandma is waiting with Liz for the count down to hunting as well as Jean, Willie and Lexi.

Daddy had Alex...

I had Zach...here he is in the middle of hunting...

Here we are loaded up again with all their goodies. It did not last long but long enough for them to come away with a few eggs and a balloon.

At home we tried our treats and played with our balloons...

Then daddy left to go get us a surprise. Jean and Lexi came to play since Willie went with daddy to help him. Here Lexi is giving Liz a helping push on the swing.

The surprise that daddy went to get the kids was a big kid swingset. I had found a great deal on Craigslist on two swingsets. Since we only need one and grandma mentioned wanting one by her we bought both of them. We were suppose to go get both of them on Sunday but bad weather was *suppose* to be coming thru, so I made arrangements to get one of the two today. Thank goodness I did as the afternoon weather was beautiful, so the kids got a chance to try it all out. They had played on Lexi swingset like this and enjoyed it so we were expecting good reactions. Well we them and many more...I swear the kids went down the slide 50 times each before they even gave a thought to any other toys in the playyard. Here they are in action...climbing up...

and coming down...Alex


and Zach.

Since we had originally were going to build their swingset I had picked up three swings at rummage sales last year, so up they went. After wiping them down, they got in them. Liz LOVED to swing, Alex was ok with it but rather go down the slide and Zach preferred to have his feet touching the ground.

So they love it. They have definitely grown out of some of their toys. This summer will be so much fun and I thought last summer was great! It just keeps getting better. Thank you Uncle Willie for helping get the swingsets and helping put them both up. We greatly appreciate it!
Potty of four
This morning I planned to start getting into potty training a little harder as we have decided Monday after Easter will be our goal for biting the bullet and going full swing potty training. The kids have shown interest and this will also let us know who is ready and who may need a little time yet. So pretty much as of Monday the 13th, if you need to find me I will be in the bathroom...LOL! Anyways, so I decided today I would ask more and we would try more to sit. So with Lexi here I have 4...what's one more right...lol! Anyways, here is them all attempting to go "potty". Looks easy right...not so much...I can say I am not looking forward to it and hope they catch on fast, so any good tips...I want to here them.
So that is it. What a week...I have a feeling our lives will only get busier from here or at least that is what other MOMs (Mothers of Multiples) have told me. Can you see a big dry erase board in our kitchen, each kid assigned a color and it being FULL...I can! We are trying to get the kids in a swimming class and a gymnastic class at the local Rec. Dept. this summer as well. I need to do something with all the energy they have, right.
Hope you enjoyed the post and maybe laughed once or twice. Have a great week and a Happy Easter!
Love, Jen
So many funny pictures. I think I like the monkey pile of the 3 the best, but quite honestly, each picture is very funny!!!!!
Potty training tips! First GOOD LUCK- they'll do great- I think peer pressure will be a good thing!! Keep it positive & ask if they are "dry"- and congratulate them when they are. When they go on the potty tell them "Who" will be so proud- Daddy, Gramma, etc. When I was training - of course it was just 1- I kept him full of liquids so he had to go & that gave us more opportunities. Pray for Wisdom & Ask God to show the best ways!! I can't wait to see the fun pics of their accomplishments!!
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