Jeremy got back from his trip home Sunday early afternoon. My mom and I headed out to do some last minute Christmas shopping. The winds were horrible so we were hoping for less people to be out and about. After stopping at the first store and heading to the second someone hit my truck. Thank goodness I did not have the kids with me. No one was hurt and I will not get into the details but I was a little hot afterwards.
After having to deal with that we found out a few hours later that Jeremy's grandma had passed away. We tried dealing with that as well as getting info for the arrangements. We went into overdrive in trying to prep for the funeral as well as Christmas. A funeral is uncharted territory so we had no idea what to expect from the kids. Monday morning we packed, got a quote for the repairs to the truck, mailed some Christmas packages and got on the road by 12:30. We could not have done it without the help of my mom...THANK YOU!
We made it to Montfort without major complications. The kids did absolutely wonderful at the wake, funeral, luncheon and burial. I could not have asked for better behaved kids then what they were. They were asked to sit still for longer than 2 seconds, in fact it was an hour and a half of staying put. They met many new people. Had to eat without their booster seats and many other "new" things. We are very proud parents to say the least!
We were in Montfort until today so Christmas at my parents has been rescheduled, our Christmas morning was rescheduled as well as the Lenzendorf Christmas. Santa was nice enough to leave presents for the kids for them to open tomorrow morning. We will celebrate Christmas with Nana, Papa, Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Brent and the girls on Saturday here and the Turner Christmas will be celebrated on the 3rd. For the kids it will seem like Christmas does not end, yet for me it does not even feel like Christmas.
We will miss grandma dearly, but know she is feeling no more pain. The kids will treasure the photos of them with her. Unfortunately they are too young to have many memories but they will be told about her and what an amazing woman she was.
Thank goodness for children as they are sometimes the best comic relief in some stressful and sad times. Here are some "fun" photos of while we were away.
Look mommy I can be just like you...

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