Why are three toddlers dangerous? Well to best answer it I will use a reason told to me by my sister Jean from a friend of hers that has twins. His girls behavior is like an adults...what one does not think of the other does or adds on to a beginning idea. Let me explain...even though 2 out of 3 are sick their minds are still going a mile a minute. After lunch on Friday Liz came up with the idea to move one of the big chairs (we have a dining room table in their play area - they like to play with their puzzles on it so we kept it in) away from the table, then Alex improved the idea by moving the chairs into the living room portion of their play area. Not to be out done Zach improved it even more by putting the chair close enough to the TV to reach the remotes on top. The power of 3!!! Don't get me wrong, even one toddler can be dangerous. Here are the picutes of them in the living room enjoying they new found fun!
Love, Jen
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