If you look back to last years post about this if probably says we were there for 15 minutes, we did not move much as the kids had to be held, it was jammed packed and we did not even attempt to go see Santa. The highlight of last year's party was seeing one of the night nurses, Julie aka the one that caught Zach. Since she works nights we had not seen her on our other visits. That was last year, which seems like decades ago.
Onto this year...I think our bigggest obstacle this year was their nap. We let them nap for only an hour and hoped they would sleep on the way, but that did not happen. So we were hoping for good attitudes. As we looked for a parking space we notice another triplet family. The tell tale triplet stroller gave them away. They must of had very little ones as they were in carseat yet (like ours were last year). We did not talk to them, but I was tempted (it is nice to meet others like us).
This year it was still very busy, but the kids were able to walk themselves. After getting our outerwear off, Jeremy took the boys to sit down and I took Liz through the goodies line to grab some cookies for the kids to try. After finishing the treats we visited with "Sheriff" the cop's dog. We got some coloring books and crayons, so we sat back down to color until our time to see Santa (still not sure if we were going to see him or not). We did then decide to introduce them to Santa for the first time. It went very well for them being tired, strange place and strange people. Santa's elve gave them each a book and a beanie baby. We then visited the fireman that was there and got another coloring book.
Prior to us leaving the auditorium we ran into another triplet family. This family is one that I follow their blog. They are also part of the local triplet group. They have 3 girls that are just darling. We talked for a bit. It is always nice talking with someone else that thinks this craziness is "normal"....lol!
Next stop was to the NICU to see if any of the kids' nurse were working. Lucky for us Judy (Alex's primary) and Gwen (Zach's day primary) were there. I gave them some of the fall pictures of the kids so they would have updated photos. We were also lucky to see the kids' neonatologist. Just like the nurses like to see the kids they care for progress so do the doctors so I am glad we ran into him. While we were in the NICU lobby there was a set of quads 3 years old (2 boys and 2 girls). We talked with those parents for a little while as well.
As with any trip to the NICU, it brings back memories. It is the strangest things you'll remember too. Like getting a soda from the vending machine for every ride home after visiting the kids or walking past labor & delivery and remembering the day I was admitted for preterm labor and on and on.
Here is one of the pictures taken with Santa.

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