Let me start out by saying this year has been AMAZING! Thanks to having the blog I can look back at where we started, what we have gone thru and where we ended up. Thank goodness for technology (for MANY reasons!).
January was the slowest month for posts, only 4...I cannot believe it! But it was still a big month for the kids as they lost their gummy smiles and traded them in for toothy grins. A small milestone, but a milestone none the less. They continued to work on crawling and pulling up in hopes to walk some day.
Then February came. We started it out with, at that time a huge milestone, turning one year old. Oh the fun I had with planning and making that day special for the kids. Although it was fun it still pulled at my heart. This month was also big for them getting off of formula (yippy) and feeding themselves. We also gained a walker this month. Getting more independant every day.
March was a quiet month. We gain yet another walker. More steps to not needing mommy's help as much.
April marked the first getaway for us. It also marked the end of an era...the crawling era as we now had all three walking. It was also our first rummage sale for kids stuff, which was very successful.
May had many things...first actual walk, first coloring, an addition to the family, my 2nd Mother's Day and civilized eating. More and more step to becoming full blown toddlers.
June was filled with fun but tears too. We saw our first parade and went on our first family vacation. Our hearts were torn in half when we had to put our beloved dog Baylee down.
July is when summer is in full swing...we swam, went to the beach, had a wonderful playyard built, went to our first county fair and they got their very own brooms.
August was spent mostly enjoying the playyard and swimming. We did venture out in public with the triplet stroller for the farmer's market. August also marks the splitting of the kids into separate rooms. A lot of work but I accomplished a dream room for our little girl.
September was filled with time with family...Nana, Papa, Great Grandpa Pluemer, Great Grandma Lenzendorf and cousin Alexis. We also accomplished our first fingerpainting as well as a second rummage sale. We also took another step towards growing up...we went to one nap a day. Mommy and Daddy did get some free time to celebrate the 105th birthday for Harley Davidson with a beautiful day ride.
October marked the introduction of potty chairs as well as their first outdoor pet...black and brown catapillars. October was huge for the boys as they had finally enough hair to get their first haircuts. We also played in the fallen leaves a lot. We also participated in our first trick or treat.
November we took a trip back to the NICU and impressed our nurses and doctors. We also moved on to eating cereal and soup with a spoon. We witnessed a first snow fall and got to go outside in it to play. We also got a great playhouse that is loved very much.
December was a month that seemed to fly by. We met Santa for the first time. We took our first bubble bath. We dealt with the flu and a death. We tried hard to behave with the Christmas tree. And we celebrated our 2nd Christmas as a family.
So it was a great year and we look forward to see what 2009 brings us. Happy New Years to everyone! Thanks for reading and keeping up with us.
Love, Jen
This picture was taken last night right before bedtime...can you tell the kids are tired, not to mention mommy too!