Three things that don't go together, right? They don't just three things that happened in the last day.
First, yesterday I took the one nap a day for the kids. They did well and it felt good to have 2 straight hours to myself. Normally someone was up within an hour of going down when we had 2 naps. So it will be nice to have some quiet time to myself. We are still working out all the bugs but so far things are going well.
Second, Alex started saying puppy clearly was all he would say. Now he has said puppy for awhile but not clearly for others to understand. So another exciting step in growing up.
And third, I am FINALLY caught up on the blog. I thank you all for your patience. In the last two days I have put 8 posts on the blog to try to bring everyone the current in events in our household.
I hope you have enjoyed the posts and pictures. I will try to keep up now that I have a little "free time".
Love, Jen
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Can someone remind me why we have toys?!?!?
Some days I wonder why we have toys for these monkeys. It can range from ice cream buckets to tupperware to hangers.
Monday the kids decided the best thing to play with was the laundry baskets...and of course each one needs their own (good thing I do a lot of laundry and need a lot of!
Now this is a LARGE load of!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures.
Love, Jen
Monday the kids decided the best thing to play with was the laundry baskets...and of course each one needs their own (good thing I do a lot of laundry and need a lot of!

Love, Jen
A trip across the state...
This last weekend was a busy one. Due to not making it across the state the first weekend, we made plans to go this weekend. After finding someone to take my hours at work, it was all systems go. Jeremy worked extra hours during the week so he could have a half day on Friday. After packing up everything we need to function we headed over to my parent's place first. My mom had Great Grandma Kedinger out from the nursing home for a few hours. The kids have not seen her since November last year(way too long ago). And they have changed SO much! So we stopped for a short time there and then headed out to venture across the state. Although we were running late we made it in time for dinner with Nana, Papa, Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Brent and their three cousins Mackenzie, Morgan and Madalyn. Saturday was filled with seeing the kids' other 2 great granparents. The kids were fascinated with Nana's magnets on the fridge, so that was the "hot" toy for the weekend. Although the kids had some sleeping issues, a good time was had by all. Here are some of the pictures from the weekend.
Love, Jen
The kids were all sitting nicely until the camera came out...then they scattered...go figure!
Liz tried on many I smell a shoe fetish?!?!?
Love, Jen
The kids were all sitting nicely until the camera came out...then they scattered...go figure!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sick children & Rummage & 19 months old
September started out not so great for the kids as they caught a cold. Unfortunately that messed up plans to take a trip to see Nana, Papa, Great Grandma Lenzendorf and Great Grandpa Pluemer. It was a simple cold and they did get over it and we healthy for about 4 days and caught another cold. Again lots of sneezing and snot everywhere. Through both colds the kids had okay moods. Their sleeping was not too messed up due to it being hard to breath. We are getting over this last cold and hope to be fully healthy in a few days.
The second weekend of September was my second rummage of this year. We had a great turnout Friday and got rained out on Saturday although a few sales were made. The majority of the money made is going into the kids college accounts and some will be used to get their first potty chairs. Yes that is right....potty chairs. We have a very aggressive goal of trained by 2 but understand completely that it is not the norm.
The kids are now 19 months old. They are showing more and more signs of being toddlers. They are talking more and more everyday. They are thinning out as well with all their running around. They are doing a great job of sharing and following direction. Of course we are very proud of them.
So here are some pictures from the beginning of September. Enjoy.
Love, Jen
Here is Alex playing with our grocery bags...
Liz sitting in the doll chair...
Zach playing with Frank...
Alex trying to iron...
Zach on the other hand prefers to beat the ironing board with the screwdriver...
Liz trying on Auntie Jean's shoe...
Alex using Zach as a pillow...
Quick picture of the kids on the rocker...they no longer fit in the chair nicely and they don't sit still long enough...
Kids sporting their Harley outfits...
Kids lounging again...really they do not sit this still all the time :)
Roxy giving Liz kisses...
The second weekend of September was my second rummage of this year. We had a great turnout Friday and got rained out on Saturday although a few sales were made. The majority of the money made is going into the kids college accounts and some will be used to get their first potty chairs. Yes that is right....potty chairs. We have a very aggressive goal of trained by 2 but understand completely that it is not the norm.
The kids are now 19 months old. They are showing more and more signs of being toddlers. They are talking more and more everyday. They are thinning out as well with all their running around. They are doing a great job of sharing and following direction. Of course we are very proud of them.
So here are some pictures from the beginning of September. Enjoy.
Love, Jen
Here is Alex playing with our grocery bags...
You may not be able to tell but here is Liz with a grocery bag on her head..
The kids just chillin...

Harley Davidson's 105th B-day Ride
August ended great for us. I think I have mentioned this before but did not have the pictures. We had an adult day and went on a beautiful bike ride on the 29th in celebration of Harley Davidson's 105th birthday. The weather was perfect - not too warm and not too cool, sun for the whole day. At some points it felt as if we were int he movie regardng some of the scenery. Thanks to my mom and my sister for watching the troops for the day. We were one of 28 bikes in the ride and 2 out of about 50 people. Biggest ride we have ever been a part of so far. Thanks to my Uncle Kevin for setting the whole thing up; it was great! There has been some talk of another ride in the next couple weeks to see the fall color changes. We are looking forward to it! Here are some pictures from the day.
Our first stop in Elkhart Lake for lunch...
Picture on the go...traveling up a slight hill... many bikes in front of us...and there were more behind us...
and around a corner... 
At our second stop...we lined the street...

I know not everyone is a bike enthusiasts, but wanted to share our day.
Here is everyone meeting at Uncle Kevin's house...

At our second stop...we lined the street...

Love, Jen
Spending time with Alexis
As you may have noticed, we have been spending a lot of time with Auntie Jean and Alexis. Unfortunately my sister is a victim of this great economy. After 10 loyal years of service, she was let go without warning from her job. Good for us, bad for her! The kids get to benefit from this unfortunate circumstance. With being only 2 weeks younger, Alexis fits in here very well. It is hilarious to watch all four of them play, fight, share and learn. We have all gained from the extra time we have been able to spend together. As bad as I want Jean to get another job, I will be sad the day it happens. So here are some of the great pictures of Alexis and the kids. Most of these were taken during the time of working on Liz's room.
Here is Alex and Alexis wrestling on the couch...soon to be on the floor...
Alexis riding on Zach like he is a horse...
oops the horse collapsed...
how about Liz as a horse...Alexis looks like she is having a great time...not so much for Liz...
Another wrestling match this time with Zach...and they are already on the floor...
When all four are together they love to run around the middle of the house - kitchen, hallway, dining room - and it is usually running with something like buckets on our heads or everyone pushing something...we have this on video and it is hilarious! Here is Liz sporting the butter container for a hat...
Alex pulling the lawnmower...much quieter than pushing it ;)....
Zach with the stroller WITHOUT the baby...he prefers it this way...
Windows are always a big hit esp. the one in our kitchen...can all 4 fit on the toybox/bench???
Here the kids were playing in the hallway upstairs as Jean talked with me while I worked in the room. Apparently Alexis wanted the blanket in the bottom of the container. Zach is unsure if he should help her out or push her in...Liz is not going to be part of this...

Hope you enjoyed the pictures. We love having the opportunity to spend the time with both of them. We are extremely lucky to have children the same age and be able to have them grow up together.
Here is Alex and Alexis wrestling on the couch...soon to be on the floor...

Love, Jen
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