Last weekend was great! Grandma and Grandpa agreed to watch the kids for a couple hours while we took the bike out. My first time out on it this season. We ran to Cedarburg to grab some ice cream and then stopped at our friends Dan and Tandi's house. We sat there until the thunder started to roll and the dark clouds started to cover the sun. We made it home with just moments to spare (enough time to get the bike in and the windows closed). The kids had a ball at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Sunday was Father's Day, so we spent the morning together and then Jeremy got to brew beer. Dan, Tandi, Isabelle and Magnum (their dog) came over. Dan and Jeremy got to brew, Tandi and I got to chat, Izzy and the kids got to play, and Magnum got to hang out with our pooches. It was a great day!
The week seemed to be busy...Jeremy worked on re-doing the pond for 3 nights in a row. Unfortunately that meant he only got to see the kids for a brief moment on those night AND that meant that I was "it" for 3 days (all meals, all diapers, naps/bedtimes were all mine). The pond is bigger now and well on it way to being fixed.
I also was trying to prepare my packing list for our vacation. Don't want to forget anything. We leave on Tuesday to go to Tomah. The resort we are staying at has an indoor waterpark with a kiddy area. We are excited to go on our first family vacation. Although it will be short it will be a great experience....for all of us!
My Aunt Deb was here from Mincoqua for a few days. The own the farmhouse that is up the hill from us. The last time she was down every time she stopped down the kids were sleeping so she never got the chance to see them. So Thursday I decided to take them to her. So I packed the kids into the triplet stroller, packed some toys, a diaper bag and the dogs. A half hour later we were ready to tackle the walk. Instead of going across the lawn to the driveway, I decided to go straight up the hill. Yea, that was a heck of a workout, but we made it. We spent some time up there. Unfortunately, she had to meet someone so she had to leave, so we hung out with Grandma for a bit and then made our way back down the hill (much easier going down :)). Since she only saw them for a bit, she came over Friday to play with them for a bit.
Saturday Nana and Papa made the trip across the state to see the kids. Even though it was a short visit the kids loved seeing them and playing with them.
So we are about to start another week...looking forward to our trip...hoping all goes well. I will definitely post on how it all goes. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Love, Jen
Are these not the cutest kids??? ok, I know I am bias;)

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