This weekend we (the 3 kids, the 2 dogs and us) traveled to the west to go see Nana, Papa, Great Grandpa and Great Grandma. Prior to leaving on Saturday morning we found out that Nana was under the weather but we kept our plans. We arrived a little late but in time to have lunch with Great Grandpa and visit for a little while. The kids took the opportunity of not being "confined" in a play area. They were EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING!!! I think we said 'no' to them more in the time we were there than we have the whole 15 months of their lives. They are just curious so it was not meant to due harm but could have! Saturday night Papa had to go work the beer tent at the local picnic festivities. Cousins Morgan and Madalyn were at Nana & Papa's for the time that their parent's were out of town with cousin Mackenzie's OM team. The kids got to play/interact with them. The kids also got to meet Nana & Papa's neighbors for the first time. Sunday morning Papa was out of the house early to help cook chicken for the Chicken BBQ that afternoon. We had breakfast and it was not long that Nana got the call that the line was forming for chicken. Before we knew it Great Grandma was at the house. We ate lunch and Jeremy visited with everyone while I packed us up. Papa was working on getting ready for being in the parade. Instead of leaving before the parade we stayed. The kids got to see their first parade (one they hopefully will be in in the future). They seemed to enjoy it, except for Zach and the band...not sure why but he got a little upset. Also Roxy did not like the big horses but was fine with the ponies. Here are a few pictures.
Love, Jen
Daddy & Alex with Great Grandpa & Liz

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