I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Madness!!!

I want to share with everyone my morning so far and it is only 9am. I hope you get a good laugh from it. All children will remain nameless to protect them from future embarassment.
I woke this morning thinking the day will be great...I did not have to go in to the kids' room at all last night...that is a great way to start. Mondays are bath morning, so it is the first thing we do. This is where things started to go haywire. For the beginning of the bath it was fine, but after I finished changing the crib bedding and sat down to start washing the kids up I ended up with a cup of bath water down my side. I got one kid out and dried off and realized I had forgotten to bring 3 diapers into the bathroom...so I took a chance to go get some diapers...thankfully I came back to no pee on the floor...success! I put that child into their room and came back to get the 2nd one out only to find that someone had pooped in the tub (this is only the second time that has happened). So I quickly tried to catch the little brown submarines before the two kids found them! I then caught all the bath toys and quickly emptied the water. With two shivering kids left to wash I refilled the tub and proceeded to finish the bathing process. I finished and put child #2 into the bedroom. Let me just mention at this point that the bedroom is child proofed so they can roam about while the others are finished without getting into too much trouble. So I finish #3 and went to put them in the room and found that #1 and #2 had pulled all the blankets off the changing table...not a big deal and easy to clean up. So I finished cleaning up the bathroom and proceeded to the bedroom to dress and clip finger & toe nails. I came to the door...low and behold they had graduated from the blankets to the box of wipes. They had pulled each and every wipe out of the almost full box. So I quickly pick up all the wipes and start to fold them and put them back into the container. Finally start to get the kids dressed at 8:20, we are running late! Finished #1 onto #2, well as I dressed #2 the other two found the wipes yet again...again an empty container, but this time I just grabbed and shoved them in as I did not have time to fold them all again. I must say I am proud that our children have such great teamwork and efficiency. One of the great things about having three 15 month olds. ;) Finally had everyone dressed and got them all downstairs as well as the dogs. I scramble to get breakfast togther for them and Roxy decides she must go outside now, so outside we go. No results so back in we come (we did this twice). I rush back to the kitchen to get the kids milk cuz the cheerios are not cutting it anymore. I am sweating, my jammies are still wet down one side, I'm really thirsty, I had to pee about an hour ago and now I am getting a headache....ugh! So me being the smart person I am decide that I will take the valves (the things that does not allow liquid to pour out of the sippy cup) out of the sippy cups as Jeremy and I discussed over the weekend. Brillant idea, Jen!!! Milk everywhere....ok it was not that bad but on top of everything else it seemed like it. With breakfast finished and teeth brushed, the kids are now playing without incident. So I ask you, how is your Monday going? Apparently if you want to have fun...get yourself a box of wipes and take them all out (you may want to make sure someone else is going to clean the up;)).
Hope you enjoyed my story, now I must go shower and get caught up from being away for the weekend.
Love, Jen

1 comment:

Elaine said...

No matter how my day(s) go, you always top mine! Great Grandma loved seeing the kids Sunday. She doesnt take much interet in life except for the great grandchildren. The kids sure enjoyed the parade and we enjoyed watching them enjoying the parade!
Love to all, Aunt Elaine