Yesterday was such a beautiful day! With weather like that you can't stay in the house. So the winter thaw is a mess esp in the playarea outside, so we just have to find other things to do. We asked Papa to try to get the scooters and bikes put together that the kids got for their birthday while we were gone. I just have not had the time to do it. Thankfully Papa was able to get it done. Yippy!!! The kids got to test them out this weekend. Yesterday after picking the kids up from school I picked up the scooters & bikes and headed out to grandma's. The kids had a blast playing in the sun and really it felt great to be soaking in some rays watching them. Today's weather was cloudy and dreary, but still "warm"...high 30's (and yes that is warm love Wisconsin weather). So I planned on getting them burning some off their energy outside. So we got the scooters out again and played until Lexi got here. We did not stop playing once she got here just moved things indoors. And that was not it for the day...we headed back out before supper. These kids will be living outside this summer, I swear! Right now just getting out is nice for us all...cabin fever sucks! Looking at how much the kids have grown since last summer, there will be a lot of toys to get rid of out of the play area. Once our backyard dries up, I see it being a flurry of activity. Here are pictures from the morning...
Liz cruising on her Tinkerbell scooter...

Zach checking the melting snow with his Cars scooter...

Alex cruising with his Buzz Light Year scooter...

Gotta love having a large parking lot as a part of our if it was not so close to such a busy road it would be perfect...luckily the snow is still blocking one entrance AND the kids know the road is a no no and are CONSTANTLY reminded! If you look REAL close you can see Liz and Zach way ahead of Alex and me...

So once I had all 4 kids, I put the garage door down and let the scooting continue as well as let the 3 dogs join in the fun...this worked for a little while, but it works!

So we will see how much we are scooting in the next few days as rain is in the forecast for the next 5 days...gotta love spring! I am so ready to wash the winter outerwear and get it put away, but I will resist as I do not want to jinx the thaw that is happening.
Enjoying the thaw, hope you are too!
Jen :)
PS Thanks again to Papa for getting the bikes and scooters together as well as thanks to Elaine and Norma for getting the bikes for the kids and Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Brent and the girls for the scooters. They are all very loved!
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