...to teach her children the basics to survive in life. I am very thankful to my mom for teaching me the things you should just know how to do laundry, cook, balance a checkbook and how to clean...you know the things you HATED to do as a kid. Well the kids are loving their lessons in life that I give them every so often. They know how to vacuum, dust, mop, clean mirrors, toilets & sinks, load the washer & dryer and are always willing to help cook.
Tonight we had grill cheese and tomato soup for dinner. Liz had no interest in helping make the meal but the boys were more than ready to help. They do a great job of listening while helping around the kitchen area. All I can hope is I do as well as my mom did with preparing my kids for the real world. Don't they look cute cooking? They are growing up so quick!
Love, Jen

PS Happy Birthday Alexis! Hope you bday rocked!!!
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