We started out the month with a little mommy and daddy time. The annual beerfest we go to fell on the first weekend. Grandma and Grandpa took care of the monsters while we enjoyed a few beverages. We met up with Marcus and Renee at the beerfest Saturday. Even though the weather was cloudy and cool, it was a great day, a lot of fun was had. We wish we lived closer to them as they are great friends. We cannot thank them enough for all their support they have given us thru the years.
This last week started early Monday morning when our roof started being torn off. It was at least 50 years old an in desperate need to be replaced before damage was done. The kids were so enthralled with the process and constantly reminding me that we were getting a new roof. Needless to say no naps could be done here. So Monday after school we came home packed the kids' suitcases and headed to Grandma's...luckily the roofers were having lunch and the kids got a chance to look around at their things....made their day! Due to a rainy, rainy Tuesday the roofers were back to finish on Wednesday, so another afternoon was spent at Grandma's. The roof looks great and the kids are still reminding us that we got a new roof.
Thursday was a big day for us...our final trip back to the NICU. Each time we have gone back it has brought many emotions with it, this time was no different. In fact it was probably the most emotional for me. The kids asking where we were going and knowing that one day they will fully understand what the NICU, nurses and doctors mean to us. Some how I got the kids fed, dressed, showered and dressed myself and on the road in 45 minutes!!! Couldn't believe it!! Daddy met us at the NICU. The kids blew the therapist away...talk about feeling proud! Of course we could not leave without seeing if some of the nurses were working. Due to the H1N1 flu they are not letting anyone but parents and grandparents into the NICU, so we waited in the lobby for Judy (Alex's only primary nurse) to come see us. It was great to see her! The good new is the kids have officially graduated from the follow-up program and now we will only go back to visit...woo hoo!!! We finished the time out by going to Jeremy's work to eat lunch. We got to introduce the kids to some of his coworkers for the first time. Even though the kids were tired from the morning of testing, they were well behaved. It took only a few minutes for the them to fall asleep on the ride home.
Here are some pictures of the kids playing and having fun...
The boys using their socks as oven mits...
The kids with Judy at the NICU...
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