First to check in at our hotel was my aunt's dog, Waldo. He is a bassett hound that has quite the personality! Roxy just loved having him here, not sure if Waldo liked her excitement or not. The kids love Waldo too! They were always making sure that he was with us. And who does Waldo like best...Jeremy. He would get so happy once Jeremy got home. I think the kids wore Waldo out...he loved bedtime the best! We would put his bed by Jeremy's chair and he would fall asleep and have some great dreams. I guess he slept in the morning he was back with my
Zach and Waldo talking face to face...
Liz giving Wally a hug before he leaves us...
Zach and Wally hanging out on his last day with us....
Waldo asleep after a long day with the kids....
Second guest to check in, check out and check back in was Sadie. Jean dropped off Lexi and Sadie to be watched for the day then decided to take her home so Willie could say goodbye, then he brought her back. Luckily she is somewhat use to the chaos at our house. But even though she is use to it she still got lack of sleep, due to following me EVERYWHERE! I tried to tell her just to relax while the kids were napping but everytime I moved she was right there with me. She would start falling asleep wherever she was sitting. She went on all rides to the kids school (Waldo did not get to....just not enough room with 3 kids and 3 dogs). She slept in bed with us (I just did not have the heart to kennel her up), so that means Roxy got to sleep in bed was a full bed...2 adults, 2 dogs and 2 cats...oy! She also slept like a rock after leaving here...hmmm, do we see a pattern?!?!?
The last guests to check in (at 1am....way past my bedtime) were my younger sister, Jackie's 3 cats and bunny. They got the guest bedroom all to themselves. Now if you know my sister you will totally understand that her animals are high maintenance (right Jackie???). Honestly they were not that bad. Roxy just loves when her kitties are here...she is always at the door when it is about to be opened.
Cat #1 is Josie aka Jo Jo...things I figured out about her...she likes to hide under covers, so the sheet I placed on the bed was great for her...she also loves to play with the water dish...found that out by stepping on the wet towel under the water
Liz got to the point that she walk into the room and open the cage herself...
Alex just liked seeing the bunny...but also liked how soft he was...
Our rough tough guy Zach was very gentle with Sal...
Waldo stayed with us from Wednesday morning until Sunday night and the others were here from Thursday night until Wednesday afternoon. It was work to have them all here but the kids liked having so many pets around. They helped do the feeding and letting them in and out to go potty. They also made sure Sadie's kennel was ok for her to be in...
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