Happy Labor Day! Today we planned to work around the house/yard and enjoy the day. The weather was absolutely beautiful. After breakfast as the kids were brushing their teeth I heard grandpa passing by on the tractor. Unfortunately the kids did not get to the window fast enough to wave. We did find out what he was planning on doing...picking the potato crop in garden at Great Grandpa Turner property. So we loaded the kids up and headed out...we knew grandpa would get a kick out of the kids helping out. Since grandpa no longer picks potatoes like he use to he had to stop and wait for us to get there, so the kids could help. The kids had a blast being there as well as working. The property is gorgeous and I have so many fond memories of it as well as the house. I really enjoyed being able to watch my kids find some of the very same things I did and play in a similar manner.
Liz ready to work...

Ready to rock 'n' roll...this method is a LOT better then how grandpa picked potatoes prior to finding the potato picker...

the potatoes just roll out...

Get ready, set, go...

Alex doing his part...
Liz is not so sure about the "broken" potato...

Last row of potatoes coming up...

Zach pre-occupied with the tractor...

Liz picking potatoes...

Grandpa directing Alex where to throw the weeds...

Daddy and the kids watching the potatoes come up...

Quick family portrait...

Watching Grandpa spread manure on the garden....country living is great!

Playing by the old wishwell and using daddy as a jungle gym...

Uncle John directing the helpers...

Everyone takes a turn sitting on Grandpa's tractor...

Grandpa and his helpers...

My helper, Alex, carrying all the shovels and rakes...

The kids helping Uncle John sort potatoes...

Roxy waiting for us...
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