Here is Zach helping to show Uncle Momo his new shovel (it is more like he is eyeing it up to take for himself)...

Here they are again helping daddy open his gas can from Jean...

After the adults were done it was the kids turn. Auntie Jackie gave out her gifts first. She was very excited to watch them and interact with them since she lives further away and does nto see them often. Here is Zach unwrapping a musical has Elmo on it!
Alex is working on unwrapping their new tent and tunnel. More on this in a moment.
Here is Liz working on unwrapping a tent with butterflies on it for her bedroom.
Now back to the tent and tunnel. The kids went absolutely CRAZY over this! They love it! I knew about it before hand and thought it was a great idea, but I did not know it would be this big of a hit!

As you can see from the picture above they are being rough and tough and having a great was so fun for all of us adult to hear and watch. Things then calmed a bit and we continued. They got a horse on a stick which is difficult to explain to them at this age.
After a few gift they returned to the tunnel. That is when disaster struck. Zach went to collapse the tunnel and hit his forehead on the hearth of the fireplace. Complete chaos erupted. Grandma ran for ice and rags, daddy pulled the truck up to the door, grandpa helped with keeping the 3 dogs calm, Jean put on my shoes and helped with my jacket, Jack, Momo and Willie supervised the other kids. Within minutes we were in the truck speeding to the ER. I must say that with the adrenaline rushing thru your body you don't have time to get emotional, you just go into "protective mommy mode". The personnel in the ER were great. Zach did a great job with so many strange things happening to him. After about an hour and a half in the ER we left in a MUCH calmer mode. Zach ended up with 3 (yes we do everything in threes) of course! When we got back to grandma & grandpa's all the kids came up to see him. It was so incredibly sweet. All of them pointed and said "ouwa" but things quickly returned "normal". You would have never thought that he had hurt himself. Unfortunately I can see many more trips to the ER with him. While we were gone the kids continued to open gifts. Here is Liz opening a cinderela like toy...
Alex has just opened a robot...
Liz sitting quietly checking out a new toy of Alexis'...
Here are the girls hugging...
My parents said it was pretty quiet while Zach was gone. No fear thing got crazy once he was back. We were all on edge watching all the kids. The hearth had been blocked off. A few gifts were left for Zach to open. Here they are all helping open a new workbench with lots of tools including a drill and chainsaw nd even some protective goggles.

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