Let see what has happened in the last week...not a whole lot early in the week. It was so darn cold couldn't do much. Tuesday night I got out to have dinner with a friend and daddy got some alone time with the kids. They also went to playgroup again Tuesday morning. Zach found a little girl, Olivia, that he followed around for the whole time. She is 2 1/2, so an older gal...lol! This time they did participate in craft and snack this time and did ok. Like I said temperatures were awful so taking them out was not really an option so we were homebound for the rest of the week.
The end of the week and weekend seem to be more exciting. The kids turned 23 months old on Friday, so only a month away from the big 2! They are all working on getting the rest of their teeth...Liz has 15 thru and #16 on the way, Zach has 14 with #15 on the way and Alex has 12. They continue to get taller and taller and put on some weight but I swear they burn off all they eat and they eat like horses...lol! Unfortunately Liz and Zach came down with a cold, so the day was not all that great.
Saturday was yet another Christmas celebration (Christmas will FINALLY be over this coming weekend...I just don't think it is normal to have Christmas go on this long...lol). This one was for my mom's side of the family...the Kedingers. We have normally have been out of town when it has been so this was the first time we could attend. It was also the first time most of my family has spent time with the kids. Unfortunately by then all three of them had the cold and were not very social. We were able to see Great Grandma Kedinger open her gift, which was a photobook of the kids.
Sunday seemed like a good lounge around day esp. since the kids were sick and we were also coming down with the cold. Alex had a cough that was sounding slightly different than the other two but we were not worried as he was still plenty active. After putting the kid to bed Alex started coughing even worse, we were up to check on him numerous times. By the time we headed to bed we made the decision to get the guest bedroom ready incase we needed to have him sleep upright on one of us. Needless to say Jeremy ended up downstairs with him all night...little sleep for both of them. I stayed upstairs and tended to Zach who was have troubles sleeping due to congestion. At 3:30am Alex's breathing was awful and he spiked a high fever. After debating about going to the ER, I settled our minds by looking up some info online and waited it out until I could get into the pediatrician. Jeremy stayed home with us on Monday. I took Alex in and he was officially diagnosed with Croup. He had the seal-like cough and trouble breathing. He was put on steriods and antibiotics. It is very contagious and Jeremy and I could end up with laryngitis so we are keeping our fingers crossed that Alex is the only one that gets it. That also means no playgroup this week. Sleeping is improving but we still are getting less then we'd like. It also seems like the other two will get by with just the cold as will Jeremy and I.
So that is what new with us from last week and half of this week. Here are some pictures taken during that time. Enjoy!
As the oldest you get the right to sit on your younger siblings...or at least that is what Alex thinks!

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