They were:
- fragile.
- very tiny.
- very early.
- could not be held.
- had to touch them firmly, not stroke them as their nerve endings were very sensitive.
- connected to too many things (pumps, ventilators, monitors).
- in isolettes to help maintain their body temp.
We now have three children that:
- are excellent crawlers.
- can pull themselves up on pretty much anything.
- can walk with holding onto something like the couch.
- love to smile.
- love to talk to each other and us.
- love to play.
- can feed themselves finger foods.
- are growing like weeds.
We count our blessings every day. We are EXTREMELY fortunate to have these three little people in our lives to love, hold, care for, teach and learn from. Our hearts overflow with love for them. We would do it again in a heartbeat (minus the NICU stuff!)!

Love, Jen
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