Here are pictures from December. It was a great year. Looking forward to a great 2008. Many more milestones to come.
Love, Jen
Alex on the first set of wheels.

Liz on the first set of wheels.

Zach on the first set of wheels.

Alex meets Elmo.
Liz meets Elmo

Zach meets Elmo

Liz would like someone to come let her out of the jail!

Daddy and his miracles

Alex has Liz down for the count!

Julie and Zach in the NICU lobby when we went to the Nicu Christmas party. Julie was Zach's primary night nurse. As she says, she was the 2nd person ever to touch Zach. She was the nurse that 'caught' him after they pulled him from me. She is a special part of our lives.

The boys wrestling.

The three of them playing together.

Daddy asleep with his princess.

Zach was playing with this laundry basket and it ended up on top of him. Who needs toys when there are laundry baskets.



Liz and Alex helping me fold laundry....more like unfold :)

Alex and Baylee

Liz and Baylee

Zach and Baylee


Mommy reading to the kiddos.

Zach has Alex down for the count with Baby Einstein on....don't know what to do watch or play.

Daddy's little helper, Alex, wanted to help put toys together on Christmas.

I don't think we have enough toys!?!?!?!

Daddy actually reading the directions......

Daddy 'testing' the toy.


Two laundry baskets....three kids......

Alex is having fun.....

so is Liz.....

and of course Zach is too!

"What? We are not doing anything wrong!"

I sense another homebrewer int he family....

"Dad, can I have a sip?"

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