The week started out with a little experiment. I was feeding the kids their supper (carrots in rice cereal...yum, yum) and had drop a little on the highchair tray of Alex. He immediatley went to put his hands in it, which I try to clean it up before that happens or I end up with a BIG mess, but today something in me said....go for it! So I then put some on each tray for them all to investigate.
Here is Alexander. His method was to cover the whole tray by swiping his hand back and forth. I don't think I saw him even try to pick up any up to put in his mouth. Quite the artist he is.

Earlier that same day I had all three practicing crawling. Zach is so very close. Alex has got the idea but just needs to put himself in forward gear rather than reverse. Liz is not liking to work and is also in reverse. Here you can see them all....yes Liz back herself under the dining room chair.

Like I said before Liz backed herself under the chair and she is THRILLED about it!!! That's our diva/princess.

Then last night as Jeremy and I we entertaining the kids before their last bottle before bed Zachary decided to start crawling, not army crawling...crawling all four limbs working to get some where. Boy am I in trouble now!!!! We were both very happy that we were both there to see it. It was not caught on film so you will have to take my word for it. That kid is going to be into everything! We are sure that Alex will moving shortly, cuz if one does something they all want to do it. Did we say we love our jail!!!
So today we had a check up at the pediatrician. They are getting so big! They will be 10 months old on Sunday....where has the time gone!?!?!? Here are the details:
Alexander is 18# 12oz, 29 1/2"; he has a little ear infection. Doctor said he looks good. His torticolis is getting better. The doctor thinks he was staying in midline, which is good. If we get approval from Humana for the Pediatric Physical Therapist here in West Bend, then we will have him seen to make sure all is ok or if there are more exercises for us to do with him.
Elizabeth is 16#5oz, 29"; she still has low tone but is doing good. She is all legs so she looks like she is a lot smaller than the boys. Doctor also feels that she looks good.
Elizabeth is 16#5oz, 29"; she still has low tone but is doing good. She is all legs so she looks like she is a lot smaller than the boys. Doctor also feels that she looks good.
Zachary is 19#, 29"; he sounded a little congested - doctor feels that is the just a little residue from the cold they just got over. She also said that he looks good. Can you believe he was as small as 2 1/2#....unbelievable!!!
We were told that the schedule we have them on is good. That they are eating and drinking enough. She even mentioned that we should start feeding them 'normal' food. So if we are having spaghetti...they can have won't that be a mess!!! We will be able to take them off of formula once they hit 1 yr. We have to continue to work on them learning how sippy cups work. We had blood taken today to get a baseline for when we take them off of formula if they will need to have iron supplements. That was fun, NOT!!! We were the talk of the waiting area. Lots of people stopped to see them and there were plenty of people willing to help us. A friend of my sisters works in the lab, Sara. She was such a help and all the woman working there did a great job with all the screaming. Thank goodness they did not have any other shots today or I would be the most hated mother!!!
Today's fun does not end there. Tonight is a Christmas gathering at the NICU. We look forward to seeing the nurses again. Hopefully the kids will sleep good tonight with all the excitement they have had for the day, not to mention the messing with their schedule.
Well that is all for now. I hope you have enjoyed reading about the excitement that has been happening this week in the Lenzendorf household.
Love, Jen
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