Where has the time gone? This last Sunday the trips turned 10 months old. They are growing up so fast. Before we know it they will be one!!! So we still only have one crawler. Liz and Alex are working diligently at it. Alex has all the movements, he just needs to put it all together. Liz is in the rocking stage. All three of them can get to the sitting position on their own. Both Liz and Zach are pulling themselves up on things - not to standing but to kneeling. Liz has pulled herself to a stand off of Jeremy's lap. So they are all becoming more mobile. They are all VERY talkative. The wake up at 6:30 and talk to each other until I bring them downstairs at 7. Both Zach and Alex sit in their cribs. Most of time when we put Zach down for a nap he will sit up for a while and then lay down and fall asleep. It will not be long before he tries getting into Liz's crib. The other day I went to get them from a nap and he was using his crib toy to pull himself up to see what was on the other side. It was so cute esp. since he gave me the 'I'm not doing anything wrong' look. For the last 2 or 3 nights they have slept thru the night with one of them only waking once at about 5. Since the first time they were sick they have been waking throughout the night...just briefly but enough that one of us needs to go in to cover them, put a nuk in or get them out of the corner. So needless to say it has been very nice to not have to stumble down the hall in the middle of the night 2 or 3 times. The kids play together more now. So we are working on sharing. They have had a few toys taken away due to the screaming that they have created. It is great to listen to them make each other giggle.
Trips playing together in the jail on Sunday.

Everyone look up.....

A Christmas update......We are so excited for Christmas this year. It is going to be a blast!!! The other day I let the kids look at the grocery store flyer.....they destroyed it and had a ton of fun doing so!!! If you have every seen a cat play with catnip....that is how Zach was.....he just did not know what to do first. So watching them unwrap their presents will be great fun. Since we now have a family....our holidays will be spent a little different then they were in the past. We will still celebrate the Turner Christmas on Christmas Eve and will still celebrate the Lenzendorf Christmas on a day before or after the holiday (this year will be the Saturday after Christmas). The change is Christmas Day....this will now be the day that our family celebrates the holiday. We look forward to starting a new tradition.
Here are the pics from them looking thru the grocery flyer...not sure if they made the grocery list or not!! :)
A update on Jeremy and me....Jeremy has been working hard. When he has to stay late at work he does not get much time with the kids, so weekends are extremely important to him (and them). I am doing good. Unfortunately my PCOS has re-appeared with a vengance. I will be going to the doctor in January to see if they will put my back on medication to help control it. I will also be seeing a nutritionist to see about possible diet changes. I was so excited to have lost the baby weight plus and am quite disappointed that I have gain some back. Not to mention the holidays are a horrible time to try to lose anything! :) I have worked a few extra days in December, so I will have gotten more time away. Jeremy and I did get out for a night to go to his work Christmas party. So we are doing good.
I will close with this.....although everyone has Christmas wants (wishlists) but there is nothing I need. I have the most wonderful, supportive, loving husband and three beautiful children. My heart is full. They have filled in a void I did not know was that big. In Novemeber 2000, if you would have ask me if I could see myself being a stay at home mom to triplets...I would have thought you were crazy, but now I cannot see having it any other way. We have our good days and our bad days, but we try to make everyday a triplet day.
Love, Jen
Jen and Jeremy,
We couldn't be happier for you both. The triplets are gorgeous and they are growing so fast!! Someday we hope to meet them!! You have certainly been blessed with a beautiful family. Enjoy this holiday season and cherish every moment, as I know you will!
God Bless,
Denise Jeremy Brenna Delaney and "Baby Boy Johnson"
It is so nice to read how well you all are doing. You're right, you're going to have the first of many, many, many fantastic Christmas' together as a family. Congratulations!
I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas as Josh and I did with our new little one, Ayden Born on December 22nd. The triplets are getting so big and they all look so healthy and happy.
Happy New Year!!!
Sara, Josh and Ayden Strange
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