Today's visit was a very busy, hectic visit. It was a very big day for both of us and the triplets. Nana and Papa headed to the hospital with us again. Once we got there we met Grandma Lenzendorf. She has not seen the triplets since they were a day old. The first task at hand was to do the boys' cares. Jeremy took care of Alex and I took care of Zach after he had his first bath given by Judy. Zach did enjoy his bath for the most part. He only fussed a little. We both held them after we were done. As we were holding them, Judy mentioned that great grandparents and grandparents were now allowed to hold the babies. So I gave Zach to Jeremy's grandma and he gave Alex to his mom. Both ladies were quite happy to say the least!!! Jeremy's dad was able to hold Liz once her feeding and care time came around. Everyone was quite happy. After all the visitors left, Jeremy and I did the boys' care again and then held them and just relaxed for a little while. We have some amazing four generation pictures that were taken. Please enjoy looking at them.
Judy giving Zach his first bath:

Great Grandma Lenzendorf holding Zachary for the first time:

Nana holding Alexander for the first time:

Papa holding Elizabeth for the first time:
Papa, Nana, Liz and Alex:
Four Lenzendorf generations- in their birth order (Alex, Liz, Zach):

Mom and Dad holding the boys while Liz sleeps comfortably in her open crib:
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