I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Update 03/13/2007

This morning when I called for an update I found out that Zach only had one alarm in 24 hours, which is spectacular!!! He has 'turned a corner' as his doctor said. He is continuing to gain weight. The doctor also mentioned that he most likely will not need the prongs again and that he would like to move him to the same room as his siblings so they can be together again. I am very excited for them. Alex is still just plugging away as usual. Liz is doing well in her crib, maintaining her body temperature. They will be performing some tests today to determine why she is still needing oxygen. Most likely we will get results tomorrow. I am still at home at this point but will be headed to the hospital shortly. I will add to the post if needed.

Love, Jen

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