So this is what has happened since last week Monday through yesterday.
Tuesday March 20, 2007
We went to the the hospital at night. It was a good visit. Alex got a bath and we did the cares for the others. Today the boys had some success with nippling.
Alex getting weighed after his bath:
Wednesday March 21, 2007
Today the kids are going to have head ultrasounds done. The ultrasounds are done on a monthly basis. We did not go to the hospital tonight. It was hit and miss with nippling today.
Thursday March 22, 2007
The head ultrasounds that were done all came back normal. Tonight Zachary got to try breastfeeding. He did s0-s0, but should continue to get better. Liz was retaining a lot of fluid today, so she was given some Lasiks to help her urinate more.
Alex and Daddy:
Friday March 23, 2007
We went to the hospital tonight. Early morning nipple tries for the boys went well. Big event today was Alex is now 5#. He is doing very well, but needs to get the nippling conquered. Zach is showing great signs for wanting to breastfeed. He gets tired quickly, so they let him rest during the day instead of trying nippling. Tonight we found out that the kids will be moving to a different room. Yes, they will all go together. They are actually moving across the hall, which is for less critical babies. The spot that they are moving will be just theirs. They usually put multiples in this room. We are excited for their move; another step closer to getting out.
Mommy and Zach:
Saturday March 24, 2007
For the first weekend since the snow storm at the end of February, we had a free weekend. We did some errands that we have been wanting to do for a while prior to going to the hospital. Today Grandma and Grandpa met us at the hospital. They have not seen the babies in two weeks, so they were pretty happy to see them. Also today was a big day for them, as they got a chance to hold for the first time. We got to the hospital first and got to see the kids new accomadations. Unfortunately the NICU was very busy Friday night and they need to put a baby with our kids. The room they are in is a two bed room. So the 4th baby was bunked next to Alex. Normally they do not do this due to privacy issues. After being there the nurse decided to move Alex across the room to be by Liz and Zach. This also makes it better for us and our privacy. Prior to leaving the hospital we found out that Zach would be moved to an open crib. He is not officially 1800 grams, but should be very, very soon. So attached are pictures of the new 'suite' and the vey happy moments for Grandpa and Grandma. Enjoy!!!
Daddy with Alex:
Zach sleeping peacefully with a full tummy:
Grandma, Mom and Zach:
Grandma's first time holding Zachary:
Grandpa, Mom and Alex:
Grandpa's first time holding Alexander:
Sunday March 25, 2007
Today was a beautiful day outside. We did not go to the hospital. We opted to get some things done at home. Everyone is doing great: gaining weight; tolerating feeding; Zach and Liz are being weaned off of their cannulas. Liz is still in a low amount of oxygen and Zach is in room air.
Monday March 26, 2007
We arrived at the hospital a little earlier than normal, so we got extra time there. I gave Liz her bath tonight; first time for me. She did very well. All of the kids are having issues with reflux, so all were given orders to start Zantac. Both Liz and Zach were retaining some fluid so they were given some Lasiks. Officially Zachary is now over 4#!!! Everyone is doing great!!!
Just a little note:
I am getting very anxious to get them home and start being a parent. No, we don't know when they will be released, but hope that it will be soon. As much as we try to be mom and dad; it is hard to feel like we are when we are being told what and when we can do things. I am so looking forward to touching ours kids when I want once they are home. Although our NICU experience has been ok- just small ups and downs, it still is not something I would want to repeat. It is hard to put into words what it feels like having our children there. Although it has been nice to be able to heal and get things done before getting them home, but after expriencing this I would rather have them home. I am sure that Jeremy would agree with me. This has been a very draining experience, to say the least.
Hope you enjoyed the update. We are trying to keep this updated often. Remember that just because there is not an updated post does not mean something is wrong, just lack of time and energy:)