Today we had out 2nd annual trip to a zoo with Grover and Sarah. We started the tradition last year at the Madison Zoo. This year we went to the Milwaukee Zoo. The weather was suppose to be very humid and muggy and it turned out being a bit on the chilly one was dressed Oh well didn't keep us from exploring. Today was also PBS Kids' Day at the zoo. So there were characters from some of the shows there. We have learned for past visits to the zoo (and knowing that we are going more times this year) to let the kids have a say in what they want to see. So with that in mond we set off to find Elmo.
We found him...although the kids did not seem to notice, mommy sure did...Elmo was having eye, but the kids were happy to say hi to him and give high fives. Family photo op...

Abby Cadabby was near Elmo as well so Liz wanted to say hi to her and give her a the look on Liz' face you would think she was forced to do this...she was NOT, completely her choice.

Daddy pulling the princess in the wagon and Grover with Zach. As soon as we told the kids they could walk but needed a hand Zach immediately went for Grover's...they were buddy's the rest of the visit. Maybe Zach was prepping Grover...they are expecting their first baby in October...I cannot tell you how excited I am for them...can't wait!

There was a dinosaur exhibit open that was not open on our last trip, so we had to go check it out. All the dinos were robots and had sound effects. The kids enjoyed seeing them. Her Liz is checking out some little ones...just the right size.

Then we got to the biggest one and tried for a group picture...hard to do with so many things pulling at the kids' attention...

At the end there was a dinosaur that the kids could they are patiently waiting their turn with Grover...

Can you see the engineers in them???

One last spot for a photo op was a dino to sit on...I always get emotional when the bond between is put out there for all to see...they are best friends!

Taking a break...Alex did not want to cooperate for a nice fact he thought he was pretty darn funny...I will have to double check with my mom, but I am pretty sure he gets that from me...think I have been known to ruin a few he does have a very little bit of me in

Liz is almost always willing to give you a smile...cheesy or not!

Grover will be such a good daddy! The kids just love Grover and Sarah...All week long they talk abotu the going to the zoo with Grover and Sarah.

Zach is the first to show that he is happy daddy's back feels better...can you tell???

I was going to try to not put any of the animal pictures I took in this post but this one just HAD to be added...I have NEVER seen a peacock in a tree...I would have thought that the tail would be just too much to get em up there...well low and behold...they can

After lunch the kids got to see Bob the Builder...didn't realize he had a show on PBS...learn something new everyday I guess.

Not the greatest picture of Liz and Cookie Monster...some parents should learn to have more patience.

Big hug from Liz to the Cat in the Hat.

We realized on this trip that we can get rid of our double seater wagons...the kids wanted to walk and did just fine...don't worry we still have the standard coaster wagons.

We ended our trip with seeing of th kids' favorite shows. They will pick out letter on the is fun to watch them watch the show.

We then headed out of the zoo which made for one really upset little girl...she was not done yet...we did not see the zebras and the lions...but it was time, so they will be seen on our next trip. Mommy worked really hard to keep the kids awake for the ride home so they could crash in their beds and mommy and daddy could crash on the couch. Another successful trip to the "other" zoo. Big thanks to Grover and Sarah for meeting us there and spending the time with all of us. We love you guys!
Love, Jen
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