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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!!! I know it is a few days late, but we went to the zoo on Mother's Day and I wanted to get that post done first.
This is the one day I use to hate, in fact dread. For six years I fought hard to reach my dream of being a mother. There were a few ups and many, many downs. Infertility is an awful disease to have. It is mentally, emotionally and physically draining. It become all consuming. You can't "just relax" or "let nature take it's course" or understand that "things happen for a reason". Everyone around you seems to be pregnant or get pregnant with ease or have kids already. You are constantly counting, wondering, worrying and more. Keeping your spirits up is difficult to say the least....every negative pregnancy test or every failed cycle is heartbreaking. It is like constantly getting knocked down and being asked to get up and try again with the same results, but you hold on to the hope that "this" will be the time. It is quite the mental battle to have within yourself. You want to BELIEVE that it will happen in one form or another. And THAT is what helps you get out of bed in the morning and keep trying.
So now this day is MY day. I love it! I have the hardest job in the world but would not change it for the world. I have tough days, but they fade away against all the good times. I thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant as I knew it would be the only time. I try to enjoy each day to the fullest as they fly by too fast and will be only ones. I am not a perfect mother, nor do I know everything. I do my best. I love my children dearly. I cannot imagine life without them and can't remember life before them. I love them more and more each day. Although the journey was extremely tough to have them, it has made me extremely grateful to have them. They are a blessing and should not be taken for granted. To Alexander, Elizabeth and Zachary...I am honored to be your mommy. You are my world!
So to all the other mommies...Happy Mother's Day...hope you enjoyed your day. For all that are on the rollercoast ride of infertility...keep believing.
Love, Jen

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