Yesterday I had the kids collect some of the large pine cones we have in the yard. I explained we would make bird feeders out of them today. So that is what we did this morning. They were super excited to do the excited that they were outside playing and agreed to coming in to do the project...even agreed to taking off their shoes and jackets!!! They did have enough time to go back out before lunch, but was a messy project but a lot of fun. They each watched me show them and still did it their own way. Here are the pictures from the fun:
The before picture...

Zach applying the peanut butter/butter mixture...

Liz applying her mixture...somehow she ended up with it on her nose and cheeks with her hair stuck in it...note to self make sure Liz' hair is pulled back before messy

Alex applying his mixture...he was very happy to help "feed" the birds...
After the first round of cleaning and table...we got ready for phase 2...bird seed.

Zach applied the seeds in the messiest way possible...

Liz working on apllying the seeds...

Alex did it similar to the way I modeled...
TA-DA!!! We are for a little freezer time and then to be hung up...

It was not long after nap before the request to hang them started...

I gave the camera to Alex to take pictures while I hung them up...out of the 3 he actually took this is one of them...not too bad!

Liz and her bird feeder...

Alex trying to touch his bird feeder...

Zach looking at his feeder...

They are very proud! The tree we hung them in is in the front yard right outside the big picture window in the living room, so they will keep a close eye on who eats from them. Fun time was had by all!!!
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