Friday, April 30, 2010
A busy end to the month...
Yet another month is ending...where is the time going??? This week was a busy one. On Monday I went in for an annual checkup and to start the ball rolling with trying to figure out why I am having pains. I will be very happy once we figure out what is wrong. Tuesday Jeremy left to go to York, PA for work for a few days. We missed him a lot while he was gone, but did survive. Thursday night I went out with the girls from work. I love getting together with them to catch up on things as well as having a drink or two and being social. Jeremy returned last night, I was very happy to see him. The kids were pretty good while he was gone so that helps with flying solo. This week also marked the first time in a long time that Jeremy went to the chiroprator only once! He is on the mend....woo hoo! This weekend we head out of town, so the fun continues! So good-bye April...hello May!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Bringing down the House!
We brought the house down for the last time today. I believe if we had 3 girls it would be used more appropriate manner, in fact if it just Liz played with it, it would stay up. But those darn With the weather being rainy this weekend, it was perfect to have the kids to help take it down. The more energy we can burn the better we all are. The kids did enjoy the house but began to use it for more than just a house...more of a jungle gym. A few days ago was a perfect example of how not to use the house. I jumped in the shower, my showers only take 5 minutes, so I let the kids play. Just prior to turning the shower off Liz comes running in telling me Zach can't get down. By the time I got dried off, Alex started yelling Zach is on the roof and can't get down. Yup, there he sat on top of the We thank Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Brent and the girls for letting us use the house.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Homemade bird feeders
Yesterday I had the kids collect some of the large pine cones we have in the yard. I explained we would make bird feeders out of them today. So that is what we did this morning. They were super excited to do the excited that they were outside playing and agreed to coming in to do the project...even agreed to taking off their shoes and jackets!!! They did have enough time to go back out before lunch, but was a messy project but a lot of fun. They each watched me show them and still did it their own way. Here are the pictures from the fun:
The before picture...
Zach applying the peanut butter/butter mixture...
Liz applying her mixture...somehow she ended up with it on her nose and cheeks with her hair stuck in it...note to self make sure Liz' hair is pulled back before messy
Alex applying his mixture...he was very happy to help "feed" the birds...
The before picture...
After the first round of cleaning and table...we got ready for phase 2...bird seed.
Zach applied the seeds in the messiest way possible...
Liz working on apllying the seeds...
Alex did it similar to the way I modeled...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Ankle weights & multitasking
As I prepared Sunday morning breakfast, daddy kept the kids entertained or better yet the kids kept daddy entertained. They make excellent ankle weights!
After breakfast I folded a load of laundry while the kids played. It was not long before I had a request to pick up Alex. So putting my multitasking skills on high...even though it is not the best way to fold laundry it does make for a happy little man and getting a task done.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Dandelions, sticks & a hole
We LOVE dandelions!!! We will pick them anywhere. This afternoon we headed up to the barn as the hillside was FULL of the pretty yellow flowers. The kids hands get yellow and even a nose or two gets a little color.
Climbing around the flower garden...
Look mom, isn't it pretty!
And this one too...
Alex is too busy picking to show me anything...
It was fun to sit and watch them run out into the field...
Look mommy, I found a big one!
Not only do we love dandelions but sticks too! We will collect them to put them in daddy's burn pit or to carry around for the day. Size is not important, all are created equally. We will share them with each other but prefer to keep them to ourselves and yes we do remember where we put them after we come in from outside...
Climbing around the flower garden...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Planting the Garden
Today we started our garden. After seeing Marcus and Renee's plants...we decided we would start some plants early as well. The kids were pretty excited! We also had to plant the spider plant babies we pulled off the big plant. The kids just love when we eat something from our garden.
Here were are just getting ready to plant the spider babies...
Then it was time to get the containers ready for soil and seeds for the garden...
Here were are just getting ready to plant the spider babies...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Feeling a little "normal"
Yesterday we headed south to spend some time with Marcus and Renee and their kids. Marcus is Liz's godfather as well as one of Jeremy's (mine too) great friends as is Renee. They have been EXTREMELY helpful with the kids. We went to their place in Lyons. Renee made an excellent supper and the kids loved playing together, you would have never known there is an age difference. With having so much fun, we called to see if my parent's could pick up the dogs and watch them for the night so we could spend the night. The kids were excited! Luckily I had packed extra outfit for each in case of accidents as well as a pair of jammies for each for the ride bag!!! Thanks to a load of laundry done by Renee, we were set to go. We did it!!! We made a last minute decision and did not have the whole house with us. It felt great to be just a little normal. We had a fabulous time!!! Thanks to Marcus, Renee, Brianna and Camden!!!
The kids taking over Brianna and Camden's swingset...
Our 2 little monkeys...
The kids taking over Brianna and Camden's swingset...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Surprise trip...
Today my mom and I decided to surprise my grandma (aka Gigi, that is what all her great grandkids call her) with a visit from all the kids. So after I picked the kids up from school we headed to the nursing home aka Gigi's house (according to the kids). Mom met us there with Alexis and Sadie and all of us headed in...quite the sight to see. Gigi was excited to see us. We headed down to a common area right down the hall from her room where the kids could move about and Gigi could watch them interact. Everyone had a great time! Here are some shots I got while we were there.
Gigi barely gets into the room before Zach starts showing her his coloring book...front and back...
Thank goodness for this living room down the hall from Gigi's room...lots more room!
Gigi barely gets into the room before Zach starts showing her his coloring book...front and back...
Scissors times three
Last night I decided to finally take the plunge and let the kids play with scissors. I decided to let them just explore them and what they do. I gave them colored paper to cut and then had them glue the colored pieces to a black sheet. They did good...the scissors cut only what they were suppose to. They also got pretty good at cutting using just one hand...seems like a pretty simple thing, but when you have never done it before it can be challenging. It was a great way to distract the kids from the fact that we couldn't go outside. Here are the munchkins with their new "toy".

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