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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years!

Happy New Year! We are hopeful that 2010 will be better than 2009.
Even though a lot of great things happened in 2009, it had it's bad moments. We had to say good bye to another grandparent of Jeremy's...very tough to deal with yet we are so happy that the kids got to know their great grandpa. He was a great man and meant a lot to all of us. We had to deal with a 25% paycut...tough for any household but esp since we are a single income household. We made it thru it, made sacrafices where we needed to and did what was best for our family. One could even say we may have ended up in a better place...Jeremy got a new job that he LOVES! He loved his old job, but as the company grew it made changes. We also made it thru job cuts.
But there was plenty of good too. If you have time I suggest going to the beginning of the year and just looking at the pictures...oh how they have changed...like they have hair! So here is a brief year in review:
*1st ER visit with Zach; 3 stitches
*1st attempt at potty training
*1st time at Papa's farm
*Turning 2 year old...welcome the terrible two's!
*1st grocery trip with just me and the kids
*1st buzz cut for Zach
*1st time for piggy tails for Liz...finally enough hair
*2nd attempt at potty training
*1st Easter egg hunt
*1st buzz for Alex
*1st haircut/bangs for Liz
*1st ponytail for Liz....even more hair
*no more cribs or pack n plays
*no more sippy cups
*no more plastic utensils
*1st veggie garden
*no more nuks
*no more bedrails
*1st time participating in a parade
*got their big sandbox
*1st swim classes for Liz
*1st big pool
*Move into big kid beds
*1st trip to the zoo
*3rd attempt at potty training
*Liz is potty trained
*Staycation rather than a vacation
*1st day f daycare/school
*Final NICU checkup
*1st pumpkins & decorating them
*no more bibs
*Alex is potty trained
*1st time baking with mommy
*1st time brewing with daddy
*no more highchairs
*Zach is potty trained....NO MORE DIAPERS!
We have said good bye to a lot of items that attach us to the baby world....the biggest being daipers. Potty training is probably the toughest thing we have had to deal with so far. We did not want to push and cause problems, but going at their pace was sometimes frustrating to say the least. We ended the diaper era with 3 diapers...lol. We are still dealing with pull-ups at night. These kids have made us so proud in every milestone they reach and how they deal with them. They know their manners. They have a vocabulary that some days shocks me and reminds me of how far we have come. They are growing up to be three amazing people.
So we add saying good bye to 2009 to the list. Here's to a great 2010!
Love, Jen

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I love your summary for 2009. It it crazy how fast the year went. My baby isn't a baby anymore and my big boy just keeps getting bigger!